[ES_JOBS_NET] Dean of the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences (Stanford)

TRACEY HOLLOWAY taholloway at wisc.edu
Wed Apr 12 14:17:38 MDT 2017

Stanford University

School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences

Stanford University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the
School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences. The mission of the School is to
develop the knowledge, talent and leadership to understand the changing Earth and to help
solve the resource and environmental challenges facing the world now and in the
decades ahead.

The Dean of the School must possess an exceptional scholarly record and have the capacity
to provide intellectual leadership to the School community and support the highest
standards of faculty scholarship and teaching. The Dean should demonstrate the ability to
manage a complex organization, understand the academic process, connect with students,
provide leadership in building a diverse, globally connected institution and have
knowledge of the Earth sciences, broadly defined. The Dean must also forge links with
other Stanford schools, the School alumni and, more generally, the Earth, energy and
environmental science and engineering communities outside of Stanford, and express
viewpoints in public speeches and writing.

The School is one of Stanford’s seven schools, with expertise in a range of energy,
environment and geoscience fields. The School is the key platform at Stanford for educating
the next generation to be responsible stewards of Earth’s resources and environment. The
School is comprised of four academic departments (Geological Sciences, Geophysics,
Energy Resources Engineering and Earth System Science) and three interdisciplinary
programs (Computational Geoscience, Earth Systems and the Emmett Interdisciplinary
Program in Environment and Resources), and is also home to a suite of shared analytical
facilities and the Stanford Educational Farm. Understanding the fundamental physical,
chemical and biological systems of Earth and the evolution of those systems, and
interactions with human activities, over the full span of Earth history are hallmarks of the
School. Faculty and students focus on challenges that include securing a sustainable energy
future, providing food and water resources, mitigating natural disaster risks, and
developing long-term climate solutions.

The core community includes 65 faculty, 120 staff, 140 undergraduates, 400 graduate
students, and 65 post-doctoral scholars, plus a community of adjunct faculty, Professors of
Practice and visiting scholars. The School’s annual budget is close to $70 million, over 40%
of which comes from school endowment and another 30% from external support (federal,
foundation, corporate, and others), with the remaining a combination of university general
funds, gifts and other revenue.

As the senior officer of the School, the Dean is responsible for both the School’s academic
strategy and its fiscal management. The Dean works closely with and provides leadership
for faculty in planning and implementing academic programs, administers the School’s
resources, communicates the School’s mission and goals to internal and external
constituencies, and raises funds from alumni, friends, corporations and foundations.
The Dean reports to the Provost of the University and serves on the Executive Cabinet.
Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its
faculty. It welcomes nominations of and applications from women, members of minority groups, protected
veterans and individuals with disabilities, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the
university’s research, teaching and clinical missions.

Please address inquiries, nominations, and applications by Monday, May 15, 2017 to:
Dean Search Committee
Building 10, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-2061
deansearch at stanford.edu

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