[ES_JOBS_NET] hD Studentship: Eolian process and climate variability on the Great Plains, USA

Forman, Steven L. Steven_Forman at baylor.edu
Fri Oct 28 09:39:59 MDT 2016

Please distribute, Many thanks, Steve Forman

PhD studentship: Eolian processes and climate variability on the Great Plains, USA

A PhD studentship is available in fall 2017 to study historic and prehistoric records of drought induced eolian activity on the Great Plains, USA. Competitive funding is available for up to 5 years on this project.  Deadline for graduate applications is January 15, 2017, but an early submittal is advised. Research is focused on better understanding atmosphere-land surface interactions through changes in dust emissivity. Student should have a strong background in GIS/remote sensing, sedimentology, stratigraphy, pedology, paleoclimatology, geochronology and a demonstrated ability to work collaboratively within a large research group. Strong quantitative and scholarly skills are desired. Students across the geosciences and environmental sciences are encouraged to apply.  Please contact Prof. Steven L. Forman if interested at the Dept. of Geosciences, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76710; email: Steven_Forman at Baylor.edu<mailto:Steven_Forman at Baylor.edu>.

Steven L. Forman, professor
Geoluminescence Dating Research Laboratory
Dept. of Geosciences
Institute of Archaeology
One Bear Place #97354
Baylor University
Waco,TX 76798

Email: Steven_Forman at Baylor.edu<mailto:Steven_Forman at Baylor.edu>
Department website: http://www.baylor.edu/geology/
Phone: 254-710-2495

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