[ES_JOBS_NET] tenured or tenure-track position, Dept. of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, the Dept. of Statistics and the Institute for Cyber Science at Penn State University

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 24 09:41:43 MDT 2016

Full description available at https://psu.jobs/job/66477=20

The Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, the Department of 
Statistics and the Institute for Cyber Science at The Pennsylvania State 
University invite applications for a tenured or tenure-track position at 
any rank (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor) with demonstrated 
contributions applying analytical approaches to weather and climate risk 
assessment. The effective assessment of risk relies both on detailed 
understanding of the physical weather and climate system and on the 
ability to rigorously and comprehensively make sense of the many 
available sources of data. Remote and terrestrial sensor networks, as 
well as output of large computer simulations, contain enormous amounts 
of exploitable information and the challenge is to develop and apply 
sophisticated analytical tools necessary to reveal the meaningful 
patterns. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated 
understanding of atmospheric science and statistics, and will be 
expected to develop strong collaborations with other faculty members to 
advance excellence in research and teaching in both departments. 
Further, the candidate will provide leadership to cement the growing 
collaborations between the departments and the Institute for 
CyberScience in the exploitation of large and complex datasets to 
enhance our quantitative understanding of weather and climate risks. 
Each department has a large faculty engaged in a wide range of research 
and teaching activities, providing a fertile environment for 
collaboration and professional growth, and attracting large numbers of 
outstanding students. The tenure home will be in the Department of 
Meteorology and Atmospheric Science. Applicants require a Ph.D. in 
atmospheric science, statistics or a closely related discipline, strong 
research and teaching potential, and excellent verbal and written 
communication skills. The Institute for CyberScience (ICS; 
http://ics.psu.edu) is one of Penn State’s five university-wide research 
institutes that accelerate discovery and advance interdisciplinary, 
collaborative team science. The ICS has 24 tenureline faculty spread 
across the university, cultivating a diverse and growing community of 
scholars engaged in interdisciplinary computation- and data-enabled 
research and learning, and houses the Advanced Cyber Infrastructure 
(ICS-ACI), the center of high performance computing at Penn State. 
Further information on the departments and the institute can be found at 
http://www.met.psu.edu, http://www.stat.psu.edu, and http://ics.psu.edu. 
Information inquiries about and/or nominations for this position may be 
directed to Professor Hans Verlinde, Department of Meteorology and 
Atmospheric Science, at jxv7 at psu.edu. Applications should be submitted 
online and include a cover letter with a statement of professional 
interests, a curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of four 
references. We encourage applicants who can help us maintain a diverse 
and inclusive workplace. Penn State is located in the center of 
Pennsylvania and is surrounded by the Appalachian Mountains and state 
forestland. The adjoining town of State College combines many amenities 
typically found in large metropolitan areas with the benefits of a small 
town boasting a highly educated population. Review of applicants will 
begin immediately and applications received by November 15, 2016 will 
receive full consideration.

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