[ES_JOBS_NET] Post-Doctorate Position - Atmospheric Data Assimilation, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Thu Oct 13 16:47:52 MDT 2016

      Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division

    Post-Doctorate Position - Atmospheric Data Assimilation

The Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division 
(http://www.pnnl.gov/atmospheric) at Pacific Northwest National 
Laboratory (PNNL) is seeking a postdoctoral scientist to work on data 
assimilation for cloud-resolving (grid spacing ~1 km) and Large-Eddy 
Simulation (LES, grid spacing ~10's of m) spatial scales. The 
post-doctoral fellow will work with a project team (Drs. Jerome Fast, 
Robert Houze, Samson Hagos, Zhe Feng, Larry Berg, William Gustfson, and 
Heng Xiao) to create more realistic initial and boundary conditions for 
simulations of shallow clouds and the transition from shallow to deep 
convection. This will involve merging extensive in situ (surface 
monitoring, radiosondes, aircraft) and remote sensing (lidar, radar, 
satellite) measurements with model predictions to create high spatial 
and temporal resolution analyses. Development will be based on existing 
data assimilation packages developed for the Weather Research and 
Forecasting (WRF) model. In addition, the fellow will be expected to 
contribute to challenging modeling studies designed to 1) better 
understand the processes contributing to the initiation, evolution, and 
organization of convective clouds, 2) improve physics parameterizations, 
and 3) optimize meteorological sampling locations.

The candidate should have demonstrated expertise in data assimilation. 
An understanding of the processes represented by cloud microphysics and 
convective parameterizations used by atmospheric models is desirable. 
Proficiency with FORTRAN and coding experience in atmospheric modeling 
are required, and the ability to modify, compile and run WRF is 
essential. Familiarity with U.S. Department of Energy Atmospheric 
Radiation Measurement (ARM) data products is useful, but not required. 
Teamwork and strong communication skills for engaging with project teams 
at PNNL and the broader climate research community are also important. 
The successful candidate will join the team of PNNL researchers that are 
expanding the knowledge of fundamental atmospheric processes, developing 
state-of-the-art modeling capabilities, and improving understanding of 
how human and natural systems interact. Working across disciplines, we 
integrate theory, measurements, and modeling at molecular to global scales.

Use the following 
the full position description with specific requirements and details on 
how to submit your application. Or visithttp://jobs.pnnl.gov 
<http://jobs.pnnl.gov/>and search for*Job ID 305637*under the current 
job openings.

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