[ES_JOBS_NET] Meteorologist positions at US Army Corps of Engineers - Omaha, NE

Barbara Mayes Boustead barbara.mayes at noaa.gov
Tue Oct 4 11:23:45 MDT 2016

  -----Original Message-----
From: Melliger, Joshua J NWO
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2016 8:56 AM
To: CENWO-HR <CENWO-HR at usace.army.mil>; DLL-CEHNC-OMAHA-EVERYONE <DLL-CEHNC-OMAHA-EVERYONE at usace.army.mil>; DLL-CENWD Zorinsky-Floor 3 <DLL-CENWDZorinsky-Floor3 at usace.army.mil>; DLL-CENWO-ALL Employees <DLL-CENWO-ALLEmploy at usace.army.mil>
Subject: RE: JOB OPPORTUNITY: Meteorologist GS-1340-11/12, Engineering Division, Hydrologic Engineering Branch (Omaha, NE)



I wanted to expand this email to include an additional announcement for a meteorologist in the Omaha District Hydrology Section.  There are two announcements with different prerequisites for multiple targets.  The announcements both close 11 October.  Please forward to anyone you see fit.


1) Recent Graduate Meteorologist (includes recent graduates and upcoming December 2016 expected graduates), GS-1340-07 (Target GS 11)



2) Merit Announcement for Meteorologist, GS-1340-11/12




I am the point of contact for this position.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Thank you,



Joshua J. Melliger, P.E.

Chief, Hydrology Section

Omaha District

US Army Corps of Engineers

1616 Capitol Ave., Omaha  NE 68102


Joshua.J.Melliger at usace.army.mil



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