[ES_JOBS_NET] Ph.D. Research Opportunity -- Impacts of Past & Future Global Change on Marine Calcifiers

Ries, Justin j.ries at northeastern.edu
Wed Nov 23 08:33:58 MST 2016

The Ries Lab (http://nuweb2.neu.edu/rieslab/) in the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences at Northeastern University's Marine Science Center (MSC) seeks a graduate student interested in conducting federally funded research on the impact of past and future ocean acidification and warming on the process of calcareous biomineralization, to begin summer/fall 2017. Research will include employing a multi-disciplinary approach (scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, isotope geochemistry, microelectrode analysis, metatranscriptomics, proteomics, biomechanical analysis) to investigate the impact of past and future ocean acidification and warming on shell production, mineralogy, elemental chemistry, structure, function, and calcifying fluid chemistry. This opportunity affords access to newly acquired state-of-the-art analytical equipment at the MSC, including a laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer for trace element analysis, a powder x-ray diffractometer for mineralogical characterization, an environmental scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometry and electron backscatter diffraction for micro-imaging and elemental/mineralogical mapping of skeletal ultrastructure, and a 72-tank array for conducting ocean acidification/warming experiments.  The selected graduate student will receive interdisciplinary training in global change research, carbonate biogeochemistry, invertebrate biomineralization, isotope geochemistry, and deployment of pH microelectrodes and pH-sensitive dyes for quantifying calcifying fluid chemistry. The graduate student will be based at Northeastern University's Marine Science Center (http://www.northeastern.edu/cos/marinescience/about/), located on the shores of Massachusetts Bay on the Nahant tombolo (13 miles north of downtown Boston).  The renovated MSC features a state-of-the-art flow through seawater facility, direct access to classic New England rocky shore intertidal study sites, an in-house SCUBA program, and small-craft research vessels.  Highly motivated and creative individuals with strong writing and analytical skills are encouraged to apply.  Interested individuals should apply to Northeastern's Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences' Ph.D. program in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology (http://www.northeastern.edu/mes/academics/graduate-degrees/eemb/) at https://neugrad.askadmissions.net/emtinterestpage.aspx?ip=account.  Although applications will be accepted through December 15, 2016, earlier submission is strongly encouraged.  Please direct specific inquiries to Prof. Justin Ries (j.ries at northeastern.edu).


Justin B. Ries, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences
Marine Science Center
430 Nahant Rd
Northeastern University
Nahant, MA 01908 USA
j.ries at neu.edu<mailto:j.ries at neu.edu>
cell: (919) 536-9070
web: http://nuweb2.neu.edu/rieslab/

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