[ES_JOBS_NET] Interdisciplinary NSF position

Meredith Hastings meredith_hastings at brown.edu
Sat Nov 19 19:11:29 MST 2016

> This is an excellent opportunity for a mid-career or senior scientist with interdisciplinary interests.
> National Science Foundation: 2 Rotator position openings for Interdisciplinary Program Officers with NSF EPSCoR
>  https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/456618400
> Click here to learn more about EPSCoR, NSF’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
> https://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/programs/epscor/index.jsp
> The Temporary Federal positions are for up to 3 years, but it could last even longer. And, as a “Temp Fed”, any time spent as a temp fed counts towards “vesting” as a Federal Employee.  I would NOT recommend this position to anyone who does not yet have tenure, but if you do have tenure, this is a really terrific opportunity; you get a birds-eye view of what is going on at the cutting edge of scientific research, you learn how the entire federal research funding works, including links all the way up to the highest level. Most people come away with a new sense of where their field is moving and what they want to pursue. It is an incredibly good career move, whether you are looking for a a change or looking for better ways to do what you are already doing.
> Opportunities for interdisciplinary environmental scientists are especially good here, since most of the awards are for large, collaborative projects with an environmental or sustainability focus.
> Title, Series, Grade:           Interdisciplinary (Program Director), AD-0801/1301/1501-04
> Announcement #:              EPS-2017-0001
> Type:                                    Science/Engineering/Education
> Location(s) (DIR/DIV):       OD/OIA/EPS
> Opening Date:                     11/16/2016
> Closing Date:                       12/16/2016
> USAJobs Link:                     https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/456618400

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