[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Microbial ecology & biogeochemistry of soil nitrous oxide emissions

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Nov 3 17:31:50 MDT 2016

ORNL Publications
External Publication
Job Posting Title
Postdoctoral Research Associate - Microbial ecology & biogeochemistry of
soil nitrous oxide emissions / NB50595254
Posted Date
End Posting Date
The Biosciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is seeking a
postdoctoral researcher to support a new project to
understand the microbial contributions to pulsed nitrous oxide emissions
from soils that often occur in response to
drought-rewetting and freeze-thaw events. The selected candidate will
design and utilize controlled soil mesocosm and
field-based experiments to measure N2O emissions under a variety of
experimental scenarios using cavity ring-down
spectroscopy and concurrent investigations of soil denitrifier abundance
and activity through QPCR and DNA/RNA
sequence-based analyses of soil meta-genomes/transcriptomes.

Major Duties/Responsibilities
- Maintain detailed and accurate records
- Acquire and analyze data in keeping with project scheduling
- Present results at conferences and other meetings
- Prepare project reports and peer-reviewed manuscripts
- Contribute in a collaborative fashion to the research of other group
members and outside research teams
- Participate in general laboratory maintenance and safety programs and
associated team research issues.
- Design, conduct and interpret laboratory and field based research; lead
and contribute to the development of scientific
manuscripts and proposals.
Your research is facilitated by a full range of state-of-the-art
equipment/facilities for microbiology, molecular biology, and
genomics, in a professional environment with excellent technical support.

Qualifications Required
Ph.D. in biology, microbiology, ecology or a related scientific discipline
is required.
Demonstrated expertise in the form of peer-reviewed publications in one or
more of the following areas is required: soil
biogeochemistry and molecular microbial ecology.
Qualifications Preferred: Priority will be given with a track record of
interdisciplinary, integrative, and innovative research in
the above areas. Familiarity with tools for gas flux analysis using, and
wetlab techniques such as nucleic acid extraction,
QPCR, and/or sequence-based analysis of DNA and RNA for
metagenomics/transcriptomic datasets is also strongly

Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years
prior to the date of application and must
complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment.
This position will remain open for a minimum of 5 days after which it will
close when a qualified candidate is identified and/or

We accept Word(.doc, .docx), Excel(.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint(.ppt, .pptx),
Adobe(.pdf), Rich Text Format(.rtf), HTML(.htm,
.hmtl) and text files(.txt) up to 2MB in size. Resumes from third party
vendors will not be accepted; these resumes will be
deleted and the candidates submitted will not be considered for employment.

If you have trouble applying for a position, please email
ORNLRecruiting at ornl.gov.

Notice: If the position requires a Security Clearance, reviews and tests
for the absence of any illegal drug as defined in 10
CFR 707.4 will be conducted by the employer and a background investigation
by the Federal government may be required
to obtain an access authorization prior to employment and subsequent
reinvestigations may be required.

If the position is covered by the Counterintelligence Evaluation Program
regulations at 10 CFR 709, a counterintelligence
evaluation may include a counterintelligence-scope polygraph examination.
ORNL is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants, including
individuals with disabilities and protected
veterans, are encouraged to apply. UT-Battelle is an E-Verify Employer.
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