[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc in ecohydrology, UH, Manoa

Yin-Phan Tsang tsangyp at msu.edu
Thu Mar 24 02:32:54 MDT 2016

*Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ecohydrology, Department of Natural Resources
and Environmental Management, University of Hawaii, Manoa*

A postdoctoral fellowship in ecohydrology in the Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Management at the University of Hawaii, Manoa,
is expected to be available beginning May 2016, contingent upon funding
from the U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Change and Wildlife
Science Center (NCCWSC). The fellow will be expected to conduct applied
research related to ecohydrology and with application to freshwater
ecosystems and natural resources management.

*Project Description:* The fellow will conduct research that addresses the
needs for understanding hydrologic conditions in the main Hawaii islands
and their relationships to Hawaii stream ecosystems. The goal of the
research to be conducted by the fellow is to improve our understanding of
hydrological conditions to support Hawaii stream habitats for freshwater
species facing climate changes. The fellow will be expected to work with
collaborators (including members of the NCCWSC) and incorporate stakeholder
input into products. The anticipated outcome of this work is the
development of actionable science for natural resources managers for
managing freshwater habitats and water resources in Hawaii.

*Fellowship Details:* Competitive stipend will be provided. One year
fellowship with potential to extend to at least two years based on

*Qualifications and Application Instructions:* Competitive applicants will
be highly motivated and independent, willing to work collaboratively with
stakeholders, and have experience with many of the following: statistics,
hydrology, GIS, hydrological modeling, and species distribution model
(SDM). Preference will be given to applicants with publication experience;
programing experience in R, FORTRAN, or Matlab; and knowledge of hydrology
and aquatic ecology.  The following materials are required for the
application: 1) cover letter describing general research interests and
specific experiences; 2) C.V.; 3) a 1-page writing sample; 4) transcripts
(unofficial ok); and 5) list of two references with contact information
(email, phone, address). Interested individuals should email above
information in *one pdf file* to Dr. Yin-Phan Tsang *by April 22nd, 2016*.

Please direct correspondence to:

Yin-Phan Tsang, Ph.D.

Natural Resources and Environmental Management

University of Hawaii, Manoa

Email: tsangy at hawaii.edu


Yin-Phan Tsang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Ecohydrology
Natural Resources and Environmental Management | University of Hawaii, Manoa
tsangy at hawaii.edu | +1 808-956-6361
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