[ES_JOBS_NET] Biodiversity Faculty Search, University of Florida. Two positions at the Associate or Full Professor level (or Assistant Professors in process for tenure).
Erika Marín-Spiotta
marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Jun 30 12:04:28 MDT 2016
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 19:22:32 +0000
From: "Lichstein,Jeremy" <jlichstein at UFL.EDU>
Subject: Biodiversity Faculty Search, 2 positions (Associate, Full, or
Assistant in-review for tenure)
Biodiversity Faculty Search, University of Florida. Two positions at the As=
sociate or Full Professor level (or Assistant Professors in process for ten=
The Department of Biology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at th=
e University of Florida is seeking applicants for two positions at the Asso=
ciate or Full Professor level (or Assistant Professors whose tenure package=
is already under review) in the area of Biodiversity, including the genera=
tion, maintenance, dynamics, conservation, structure, or functional consequ=
ences of biodiversity. One position targets researchers who creatively expl=
ore biodiversity science using mathematical, statistical, and/or computatio=
nal tools, at scales from single species to entire communities and biogeogr=
aphical realms. The other position is more broadly defined, and we welcome =
candidates with strong empirical (field, lab, or comparative) and applied r=
esearch dimensions in biodiversity science, working in terrestrial, freshwa=
ter, marine, or coastal ecosystems. Successful candidates must have obtaine=
d a Ph.D. in biological sciences, mathematics, statistics, or a related fie=
ld, and will be expected to have an internationally recognized research pro=
gram and contribute to training and education in biodiversity science.
These hires are part of a new Biodiversity Initiative launched by the Unive=
rsity of Florida, a campus-wide initiative bridging multiple units (and inc=
luding the establishment of a Biodiversity Institute), and aiming at foster=
ing collaborations among scientists, students, resource managers, and polic=
y analysts, formulating strategies to meet the biodiversity challenges of t=
he 21st century and beyond. Such strategic questions include gauging the ef=
fects on biodiversity, ecosystem processes, emerging diseases, and resource=
sustainability of factors such as climate change, sea level rise, invasive=
species, and environmental degradation. The University of Florida is uniqu=
ely positioned to take a leadership role in biodiversity science, capitaliz=
ing on its status as a land grant, sea grant, and space grant university, w=
ith the most comprehensive academic health center in the Southeastern US. T=
he Biodiversity Initiative will leverage extraordinary data resources and c=
omputing power (including one of the most powerful university supercomputer=
s), one of the nation's largest natural history museums, and a strong colla=
borative culture across disciplines.
Applications must be submitted at http://explore.jobs.ufl.edu/cw/en-us/job/=
497559/preeminence-associate-full-professor-in-biodiversity and must includ=
e: (1) a letter summarizing the applicant's qualifications, ongoing researc=
h directions, and interests in the Department, (2) a complete curriculum vi=
tae, and (3) names and contact information for three references. Applicatio=
ns will be reviewed beginning August 22, 2016 as received and the position =
will remain open until filled. Questions about these positions may be email=
ed to Jeremy Lichstein (jlichstein at ufl.edu) with subject "BIODIVERSITY SEAR=
The University of Florida counts among its greatest strengths - and a major=
component of its excellence - that it values broad diversity in its facult=
y, students and staff and creates a robust, inclusive and welcoming climate=
for learning, research and other work. UF is committed to equal educationa=
l and employment opportunity and access, and it seeks individuals of all ra=
ces, ethnicities, genders and other attributes who, among their many except=
ional qualifications, have a record of including a broad diversity of indiv=
iduals in work and learning activities.
The final candidate will be required to provide an official transcript to t=
he hiring department upon hire. A transcript will not be considered "offici=
al" if a designation of "Issued to Student" is visible. Degrees earned from=
an educational institution outside of the United States must be evaluated =
by a professional credentialing service provider approved by the National A=
ssociation of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), which can be found at=
The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Institution.
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