[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral position in extratropical cyclones and cloud-radiative interactions

aiko aiko at ldeo.columbia.edu
Tue Jul 5 10:41:44 MDT 2016

Postdoctoral position in extratropical cyclones and cloud-radiative 

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Meteorology and Climate 
Research, Karlsruhe, Germany

We wish to recruit one postdoctoral scientist for the new junior 
research group "Cloud-radiative interactions
with the North Atlantic storm track" that will be led by Dr. Aiko Voigt 
and will start on September 1, 2016. The
group will study how diabatic cloud processes interact with and shape 
the extratropical circulation and its
response to climate change. Particular emphasis will be laid on the 
North Atlantic storm track and the role of
cloud-radiative effects. The group is part of the BMBF-funded 
German-wide research initiative "HD(CP)2: High
Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction." HD(CP)2 
seeks to foster understanding of clouds
and precipitation processes by combining high-resolution modeling and 
observational approaches, and, by
advancing the representation of these processes in global climate 
models, aims to improve projections of
short- and long-term climate change. The role of the junior research 
group is to articulate the coupling of
small-scale cloud processes with the large-scale circulation of the 
extratropics. The group will study this coupling
across a range of spatial and temporal scales by applying the new ICON 
atmosphere model over a hierarchy of
spatial resolutions (large-eddy simulations, cloud-resolving 
simulations, resolutions of current global climate
models) and setups (realistic setups, aquaplanets, idealized physics), 
and by combining these simulations with
the analysis of observations.

The postdoctoral scientist will study how the evolution of individual 
extratropical cyclones is shaped by diabatic
cloud processes on timescales of days to weeks. The work will include 
baroclinic life cycle simulations with free
and prescribed clouds, and climate model simulations in 
weather-forecasting mode for observational campaigns
and hindcasts of past extratropical cyclones. The postdoctoral scientist 
will have access to the outstanding modeling
and observational infrastructure provided by HD(CP)2 and will have ample 
opportunities to interact with scientists
from HD(CP)2 as well as the wider German and international research 
community. The position includes a 3-month
visit to the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique in Paris to work with 
Dr. Gwendal Riviere and Dr. Sandrine Bony.

We are seeking applicants with a doctoral degree in meteorology, 
atmospheric science or climate science and a
proven track record in research. Experience in numerical modeling and 
large-scale atmospheric dyanmics is preferred,
as well as some experience with observational data. The position 
includes possbilites for teaching and student supervision.
For example, the postdoc is encouraged to participate in the supervision 
of the two PhD students that will also be part
of the group.

The position is remunerated according to TV-L E13 with extensive social 
and heatlh care benefits. The position can start
as early as September 1, 2016 and is available for up to 3.5 years.

Review of applications will begin on August 1, 2016 and will continue 
until the position is filled. Applications shall be
directed to the future group leader Dr. Aiko Voigt via email to 
aiko at ldeo.columbia.edu in one pdf-file and shall include
(1) a CV with a list of publications, (2) a letter of motivation (1 page 
maximum), and (3) contact details of at least
two references.

Enquiries about the position shall be directed to Dr. Aiko Voigt, 
aiko at ldeo.columbia.edu. More information about HD(CP)2
can be found at <www.hdcp2.eu>.

Best regards,
Aiko Voigt


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