[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc position, U Texas Austin --switchgrass microbiome

Sarah L. O'Brien slobrien1 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 11:21:47 MST 2016

Dear Earth Scientists,

The Juenger lab at the University of Texas at Austin is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher in the field of plant microbial ecology. The researcher will be involved in a collaborative DOE funded project exploring the plant-microbiome-soil interface across continent scale environmental gradients using switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) as a study system. A major goal of the project is to characterize the relative role of switchgrass genotype, local environments, and their interaction in the assembly of bacterial and fungal microbiome communities using common gardens of switchgrass. The aims of the position will be tailored to the expertise of the candidate and opportunities exist for studies involving mapping plant genes impacting microbial communities, controlled experiments studying beneficial plant-microbial interactions, characterization of root/microbiome links, and studies of microbial impacts on ecosystem processes. 

The position requires a PhD in Microbiology, Ecology, Evolution, Plant Biology, or a related field. The ideal candidate will have experience sampling plants and soils for field studies of microbial diversity. Additional skills in next-generation sequencing, experimental design, analysis, and bioinformatics are preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills are required with a strong publication record and an enthusiasm for collaborative research. 

Please email all applications to tjuenger at austin.utexas.edu with the subject “Postdoctoral Application: microbial ecology”. Applications should include a cover letter detailing experience and research interests, a current CV, and contact information for three professional references. Additional information about the Juenger lab can be found at https://sites.cns.utexas.edu/juenger_lab/home. 

Best regards,

Sarah L. O'Brien, Ph.D.

Assistant Environmental Microbiologist
Biosciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Building 202 A-329
9700 S. Cass Ave. 
Argonne, IL 60439
sobrien at anl.gov
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