[ES_JOBS_NET] Two PhD positions, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Thu Feb 18 13:27:54 MST 2016

Two PhD positions
The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine
Research (AWI), section 'Atmospheric Circulation' in Potsdam, Germany.

starting as soon as possible.
These positions are within the new German Research Foundation (DFG)
Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 'Arctic climate change'

Position #1
Title: Snowfall and and its changes in the Arctic
What are the seasonal regional patterns of snowfall,
snowfall–to–precipitation ratio, and snow cover and its changes?
We will attempt to connect these to changes in the atmosphere (i.e.,
temperature, humidity, vertical stability, circulation)
and in the sea–ice conditions. For this, regional climate model
simulations will be carried out and analyzed. Complementary
reanalysis and satellite data will be used to evaluate the simulations
in cooperation with our project partner Cologne University.
Contact: Dr. Annette Rinke, Annette.Rinke[at]awi.de.

Position #2
Title: Representativeness of the Ny–Ålesund atmospheric observations
across the Arctic
The observations of the Ny-Ålesund meteorological instrument suite will
be combined and analyzed in terms of synoptic
situation, boundary layer properties and air back–trajectories.
Addressing the long–term characteristics of the Ny-Ålesund
atmospheric column, its variability and connections to large–scale and
local meteorological patterns, the comparison with
observations at other Arctic sites and platforms (supersites, ship–based
and airborne campaigns) will allow to characterize
the meteorological representativeness of the Ny-Ålesund site and to link
with climate–oriented and process–oriented model
output from other subprojects within (AC)3.
Contact: Dr. Marion Maturilli, Marion.Maturilli[at]awi.de

Profiles of the Candidates:
The successful candidates should hold a M.Sc. degree in physics,
meteorology, geosciences, or related fields.
Good skills in data processing and programming (Fortran, C, Matlab, R,
or similar) are required.
Good English language skills are a prerequisite.
A willingness to participate in field campaigns in the Arctic is a
requirement for the position #2.

The positions are limited to 3 years. The salary will be paid in
accordance with the German Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen
Dienstes (TVöD Bund), salary level 13 (66%). The place of employment
will be Potsdam.
The AWI aims to increase the percentage of female scientists among its
employees and therefore encourages qualified
candidates to apply. The AWI fosters the compatibility of work and
family through various means. We have been awarded
the certificate “Career and Family” because of our engagement in the
area of work-life compatibility.
Disabled applicants will be given preference when equal qualifications
are present.

As Ph.D. student at AWI you will obtain the opportunity to subscribe to
the Helmholtz Graduate School
for Polar and Marine Research ‘POLMAR’ (<http://polmar.awi.de> ).

Please send your application with the standard documentation (cover
letter with motivation, CV, degree certificates,
abstract of the Master thesis, names and addresses of two referees)
quoting the reference number
44/D/Kli-P (position#1) and number 45/D/Kli-P (position#2)
per e-mail (all documents merged into one PDF file) to
<Sigrun.Graening at awi.de>
Review of applications will start on March 1st, 2016 and continued until
the positions are filled.

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