[ES_JOBS_NET] Announcement : Winter school in Environmental Prediction - March 2017

Marion_Bandet at uqar.ca Marion_Bandet at uqar.ca
Thu Dec 1 09:45:10 MST 2016

The 2017 Winter School in Environmental Prediction is calling for applications!

The course will be hosted at the Université du Québec à Rimouski (Québec, Canada), March 4-10, 2017.

This Winter School, sponsored by the MEOPAR Prediction Core, is aimed at exposing young researchers to the broad spectrum of concepts, methods and challenges involved in contemporary environmental prediction. Topics include ocean, sea ice, wave and biogeochemical modeling, real-time observational methods, data assimilation, operational forecasting and climate scenario development. Instructors from both academia and government that are leaders in their field will share their expertise by giving lectures, but also by directing hands-on exercises using the best coding, documentation, version control and collaborative practices on the UQAR's computational cluster.

The program also includes outdoor activities in the frozen landscape of Rimouski such as a visit to the Pointe-au-Père Maritime Historical Site, where high-frequency radar antennas are installed, an ice canoe outing, ice-fishing, a walk in the famous Bic National Park and other social activities.


We invite applications from early-career researchers engaged in general research activities (including work as a research assistants or technicans) at academic and non-academic institutions, as well those enrolled in graduate and/or post-doctoral studies.  Applicants are welcome from within or outside Canada, and do not need to have previous experience with the MEOPAR Network.
Some background in numerical modeling is required, and familiarity with Linux is a plus but not mandatory.

More information in the attached brochure or at the Winter School web page: http://meopar.ca/calendar/event/winterschool2017/

To apply, please send your C/V and a 1 page letter of motivation stating your rationale for attending the Winter School to ws2017[at]uqar.ca by December 19, 2016.

For further information, please contact ws217[at]uqar.ca?

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Marion D. Bandet, Ph.D.
Auxiliaire de recherche/ Research Assistant
Océanographie physique/Physical Oceanography
Physique des Océans, Laboratoire de Rimouski (POLR)/
Physical Oceanography Lab, Rimouski
Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski
Université du Québec à Rimouski
(418) 723-1986, poste 1664, bureau O-114
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