[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: Announcement for position "Researcher position: assimilation in biogeochemical models"

Annette Samuelsen annette.samuelsen at nersc.no
Tue Aug 16 05:44:22 MDT 2016

We have a vacant 3-year position for a researcher in the field of data assimilation in biogeochemical models, see announcement below.

Best regards, Annette

Dr. Annette Samuelsen
annette.samuelsen at nersc.no
phone (office): +47 452 54 927, skypename: lilleannette

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Address: Thormøhlens gate 47, NO-5006 Bergen, NORWAY
Website: www.nersc.no, Email: post at nersc.no
Work: +47 55 20 58 00, Fax: +47 55 20 58 01
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