[ES_JOBS_NET] Air Quality Modeling Specialist position at Washington Department of Ecology

Herron-Thorpe, Farren (ECY) fher461 at ECY.WA.GOV
Fri Aug 5 08:35:15 MDT 2016

We have an opening for an Air Quality Modeling Specialist at the State of Washington Department of Ecology.

Here is a link to view the job announcement: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/jobs/1497637/air-quality-modeling-specialist-environmental-specialist-4.

Some of the key duties of the Air Quality Modeling Specialist position include:

  *   Serves as the environmental section specialist in providing modeling, meteorological, and other technical support for internal and external customers for PSD and air toxics (second and third tier reviews), and other air quality permitting analyses.
  *   Works with other state, local, and federal agencies on a national level to establish issues, needs, priorities, and Ecology's role/response.
  *   Serves as the program environmental section specialist in CALPUFF, CMAQ, AERMOD and other models, enabling the AQP to meet our obligations under Federal and State Clean Air Acts and other applicable laws and rules.
  *   Makes use of time series analysis and other parametric and non-parametric statistical methods to determine the accuracy of input data used, and to establish the credibility of conclusions made.
  *   Plans and develops computer dispersion modeling in coordination with EPA, Ecology, and local, state, and provincial air quality agencies for activities that affect Washington State's air quality.
  *   Works with regional (e.g., NW AIRQUEST, the Northwest Regional Modeling Consortium, WESTAR and WRAP) and national committees (e.g., NACAA and EPA) to influence and set priorities for research and development to further the capabilities of air quality modeling.
  *   Makes recommendations on air dispersion modeling adequacy and priorities of monitoring network, including types, location, and number of sites.
  *   Uses extensive knowledge of air dispersion meteorology and mesoscale and synoptic scale meteorology to plan analyses and modeling and other environmental analyses.
  *   Participates in and reviews research projects, either independently or in concert with others from academia and industry, to solve air pollution problems in Washington State and nationally.
  *   Presents papers at professional conferences and/or publishes in peer-reviewed journals describing the results of the projects.
This position will remain open until filled. The initial screening will be August 12, 2016. In order to be considered for the initial screening, please submit an application on or before August 11, 2016. The agency reserves the right to make an appointment any time after the initial screening date.

Farren L. Herron-Thorpe, PhD
Modeling & Emissions Inventory Scientist
Air Quality Program, Washington Department of Ecology
P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600
Tel:  (360) 407-7658   Fax: (360) 407-7534
Email:  farren.herron-thorpe at ecy.wa.gov<mailto:farren.herron-thorpe at ecy.wa.gov>
Web:  www.ecy.wa.gov/air.html<http://www.ecy.wa.gov/air.html>

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