[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Position at ETH Zürich Geochemistry and Petrology

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Oct 22 13:42:34 MDT 2015

The Department of Earth Sciences, *ETH Zurich*, Switzerland, is offering a

A PhD Position in Geochemistry and Petrology

*Hydration and Carbonation of Mantle Peridotites*

*The PhD project *will take advantage of unique samples provided by two
scientific drilling projects that target active serpentinization and
carbonation processes in upper mantle rocks: (1) IODP Expedition 357 to the
Atlantis Massif at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N, and (2) drilling on land in
the Samail Ophiolite as part of the ICDP Oman Drilling Project. The work
will focus on combining microstructural, mineralogical and state-of-the-art
geochemical, isotopic and spectroscopic methods to investigate
fluid-peridotite interactions and the origin, distribution and cycling of
carbon during serpentinization. This project will include detailed studies
of the carbonate mineralogy and carbon geochemistry of serpentinites in the
drill cores to identify the nature, distribution and origin of carbon
species and to investigate their relationships to progressive mineral
reactions and deformation/veining phases. Combined petrological and
fluid/gas geochemical analyses will be aimed at understanding: how Ca-rich,
high alkaline fluids develop, what minerals are deposited in the
subsurface, the controls on H2 and CH4 production that is characteristic of
fluids in these environments, the fluid flow paths, and the feedback
mechanisms between reactions, cracks, and carbonate deposition.

*We seek *a highly self-motivated, team-minded, mature and independent
individual interested in mineralogical, petrological and analytical work.
The candidate must have a Masters or comparable degree in a subject related
to the PhD project, such as Earth Sciences, Mineralogy or Chemistry.
Experience in analytical research, particularly in isotope geochemistry,
mass spectrometry, electron microscopy and Raman microspectroscopy is
advantageous. Good communication and writing skills, including proficiency
in English, and a flexible, reliable and precise work ethic are essential.

*For further information*, please contact Prof. Gretchen Früh-Green
(frueh-green@ erdw.ethz.ch) or Prof. Stefano Bernasconi (
stefano.bernasconi at erdw.ethz.ch) by email (no applications) and visit our
website: https://www.erdw.ethz.ch/en/. The position is available starting
January 2016, but is negotiable. Funding for the initial three years is
guaranteed, with an possible opportunity for a one-year extension.

*Applications *with a cover letter outlining the motivation and suitability
for the position, a full Curriculum Vitae including a publication list and
names of at least three referees should be sent by *9 December 2015*,
online via http://www.jobs.ethz.ch to: ETH Zurich, Ms. Maja Bügler, Human
Resources, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zurich.

ETH Zurich
Prof. Stefano Bernasconi
Geologisches Institut
NO G51.3
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Tel. +41-44-632 3693
fax:  +41-44-632 1075
stefano.bernasconi at erdw.ethz.ch
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