[ES_JOBS_NET] Position Announcement: Field Station Director
Erika Marín-Spiotta
marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Nov 19 10:30:23 MST 2015
Subject: Position Announcement: Field Station Director
Posted on behalf of Dr. Stephen Hart, shart4 at ucmerced.edu. Please contact
Steve with any questions about the position.
UC Merced is seeking a Reserve Director for the Sierra Nevada Research St=
ations, there are two stations=20
that comprise the UC Merced Natural Reserve System (NRS), which is part o=
f the larger UC Natural=20
Reserve System. The Yosemite Field Station (YFS), located in Yosemite Nat=
ional Park, is the hub of the=20
Research Station and the Sequoia Field Station (SFS), located in Sequoia-=
Kings Canyon National Park, is=20
a smaller facility with the potential for further development. The Reserv=
e Director will live on site in a=20
residence in Yosemite National Park. The responsibilities of the position=
are year round, weather-
independent, and full-time.
The Reserve Director reports to the UCM NRS Faculty Director and is respo=
nsible for operations,=20
programs, administration and further development of the Research Station.=
The Station Manager: 1)=20
designs and implements programs, policies, procedures and budgets for the=
Research Station, in=20
cooperation with the Faculty Reserve Director and the reserve advisory co=
mmittee; 2) serves as the=20
primary liaison between the National Parks, Research Station users, and o=
ther UC Merced faculty and=20
staff; 3) facilitates research, education and outreach programs based ou=
t of the Field Station,=20
including occasional instructional activities and promotional events; 4) =
provides daily management of=20
the YFS, and general oversight of SFS operations; 5) coordinates Field St=
ation operations and=20
maintenance activities with UC Merced's Facilities Management staff: 6) e=
nhances Research Station=20
facilities and programs through extramural proposals and development acti=
vities, in cooperation with=20
the Faculty Reserve Director and others; 7) carries out both collaborativ=
e and independent research up=20
to 15% time, extramurally funded research/scholarships that leverage fiel=
d-station resources and=20
expands intercollegiate interagency collaborations; and 8) a willingness =
to assume responsibility=20
readily, and the ability to work effectively with minimal supervision.
Qualifications: Requirements include strong skills and knowledge to: enga=
ge and collaborate with a=20
diverse set of constituents; and plan, organize, administer, budget and r=
eport on programs and=20
operations. A Master's Degree in environmental science or a related field=
and experience with field=20
Preferred: A Ph.D. in environmental science or similar, experience with o=
perations at a remote field=20
station, experience living in a rural community under winter conditions, =
track record of leading=20
successful grant proposals and skills in information technology.
The Reserve Director resides at the Yosemite Field Station, located in Yo=
semite National Park, except=20
for brief intervals on SNRS business, or on authorized days off and vacat=
ion periods. This includes=20
being on call outside of normal business hours. Travel is required to UC =
Merced and University offices=20
in Oakland.
Salary is commensurate with education & experience based on the Unive=
rsity of California Academic=20
Salary scale.
To apply: Please submit a Curriculum Vitae (CV), Cover Letter, Reference =
List of 3 references with=20
contact information including mailing address, phone numbers and email ad=
dress. Apply at=20
Deadline: Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2016.
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