[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Researcher in Plankton Modeling, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Fri Mar 27 11:49:10 MDT 2015

*Postdoctoral Researcher in Plankton Modeling*

Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University 
invites applications.  This is a full time position with starting salary 
of $40,000 and full health benefits.

We are starting a project that will explore relationships between 
freshwater inflows, nutrient loading, phytoplankton productivity and 
assemblage composition, and dissolved oxygen in the San Antonio Bay 
System and the Aransas/Copano Bay System (both systems in the western 
Gulf of Mexico).  Our research approach will involve compilation of 
historical data, statistics-guided numerical model formulation, and 
simulation analyses using a coupled biophysical model.

Minimum Qualifications
• Experience applying multivariate statistics
• Experience developing and applying biological, physical and/or 
ecological models
• Experience with command-line programming

Preferred Qualifications
• Experience programming in the Matlab language
• Experience modeling and analyzing systems across river-to-ocean gradients
• Experience modeling plankton systems

The work location is in Bryan/College Station, Texas (USA)

To apply, please send a letter of interest, CV and list of referees to 
Dr. Daniel Roelke at droelke at tamu.edu <mailto:droelke at tamu.edu>.
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