[ES_JOBS_NET] International open call for 3 tenure-track positions at Arctic Research Center in Hokkaido University

Fukamachi, Yasushi yasuf at lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp
Mon Jun 15 18:41:22 MDT 2015

Dear all the list members,

Arctic Research Center in Hokkaido University invites applications for
three Tenure-Track positions at the Assistant Professor level.

Research Fields: Arctic environmental research and Arctic system study,
Arctic policy, development of the Arctic, Arctic Navigation,
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industry in the Arctic. (Research
Field No.:27-4)

Please see link below for detail.


              Yasushi Fukamachi, Ph.D.
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
              Sapporo, 060-0819 Japan
      Phone: +81-11-706-7432  Fax: +81-11-706-7362

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