[ES_JOBS_NET] 3 PhD Position at PSI on the distribution of impurities in snow and glacier ice

Megan L. Melamed megan at igacproject.org
Mon Jan 5 11:23:29 MST 2015

The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the WSL Institute for Snow and
Avalanche Research (WSL-SLF) seek
3 PhD positions
to work on the distribution of impurities in snow and glacier ice in a
cross-disciplinary project.

The planned innovative experimental studies are predominately laboratory
based. The project’s main goal is to investigate the re-distribution of
particulate and soluble impurities in snow during metamorphism. This is a
fundamental topic with high relevance to snow chemistry, atmospheric
science, and to the integrity of ice cores as climate and environmental

We are looking for highly skilled and enthusiastic young researchers to
work in this cooperative project in the surface chemistry research group at
PSI, the analytical chemistry research group at PSI, or in the snow physics
research group at WSL-SLF.
Link to job advertisement at ETH get hired (listing requirements and tasks):


The positions are available from April 2015 (negotiable) with a duration of
36 months. The successful candidates will inscribe at ETH Zurich (surface
chemistry group and snow physics group) or at the University of Berne
(analytical chemistry group).

Don’t hesitate to send informal inquires on any questions that might arise
to one of the project leaders:

* Dr. Thorsten Bartels-Rausch, surface chemistry PSI  -
thorsten.bartels-rausch at psi.ch,  +41 56 310 43 01 -
* Dr. Anja Eichler, analytical chemistry PSI  - anja.eichler at psi.ch, +41 56
310 20 77 - http://www.psi.ch/pa/offenestellen/0927
* Dr. Martin Schneebeli, snow physics WSL-SLF - schneebeli at slf.ch, +41 81
4170 181 - https://apply.refline.ch/273855/0467/pub/2/index.html

Megan L. Melamed, PhD
IGAC Executive Officer
University of Colorado/CIRES
Box 216 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0216 USA
Email: megan at igacproject.org
Skype: megan.melamed
Web: igacproject.org
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