[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: Postdoc on Air Quality Modeling and Data Assimilation

Gabriele Pfister pfister at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 27 15:27:51 MST 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luca Delle Monache <lucadm at ucar.edu>
Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Postdoc on Air Quality Modeling and Data Assimilation
To: Luca Delle Monache <lucadm at ucar.edu>

Dear Colleagues,

I would greatly appreciate if you can forward the announcement below to
potential candidates  interested in a postdoc at NCAR on AQ modeling and
data assimilation.


   Luca Delle Monache

We have an opening for a Postdoc at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, U.S., on air quality (AQ) modeling and
data assimilation. This is a 2 1/2 years position fully funded by
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The goal to improve the current AQ prediction capabilities of the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which are distributed daily across the U.S.

The successfully candidates will use the Community Gridpoint Statistical
Interpolation (GSI) system to assimilate surface and satellite data to
improve ground-level ozone and PM2.5 predictions based on the Community
Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model.

Interested candidates can find more information and apply for this position


Best regards,

   Luca Delle Monache

Luca Delle Monache
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Applications Laboratory
PO Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000

phone 303 497 2736
fax      303 497 8386
email  lucadm at ucar.edu
web    https://staff.ucar.edu/users/lucadm
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