[ES_JOBS_NET] Undergraduate summer courses in marine sciences at Darling Marine Center in Maine

Mary Jane Perry perrymj at maine.edu
Wed Feb 11 06:28:13 MST 2015

Undergraduates interested in marine science are invited to apply for summer
courses at the Darling Marine Center, located on the Damariscotta Estuary
in mid-coast Maine.  The Darling Center is part of the University of Maine;
the courses are accredited and incur regular UMaine tuition and fees.  For
more information, please visit:

May 13-29: MATLAB for Marine Sciences

June 8-12: Shellfish Aquaculture Techniques

June 8-19: Techniques in Marine Mammal Ecology

June 8-19: Science Communication Product Development

June 8-July 29: Introduction to Research Diving

Mary Jane Perry
Interim Director, Ira C. Darling Marine Center
193 Clark's Cove Road
Walpole ME 04573
Professor, School of Marine Sciences
University of Maine, Orono
cell:  207-592-0317
perrymj at maine.edu
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