[ES_JOBS_NET] Lecturer positions in Data Science at Lancaster University, UK (Assist. Prof equivalent)

Young, Paul paul.j.young at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Feb 3 09:57:08 MST 2015

As part of its 50th Anniversary Lectureships scheme, Lancaster University is looking to make several new appointments to its Data Science Institute. Four positions are aimed at applied data science, such as the environment, which could include working with atmospheric and climate models and observations.

General details of the scheme are available at: http://www.aplacetoblossom.co.uk.

The aim is to appoint early career scientists with encouragement as a cohort to develop rapidly towards rapid promotion and leadership.

Excellence and potential are more important than subject area, so if you working within "Big Data" or related areas then you are strongly encouraged to apply.

Deadline: 20th February 2015

Further information
Contact Keith Bevan (k.beven at lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:k.beven at lancaster.ac.uk>) for informal enquiries, or Paul Young (paul.j.young at lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:paul.j.young at lancaster.ac.uk>) or Nick Hewitt (n.hewitt at lancaster.ac.uk<mailto:n.hewitt at lancaster.ac.uk>) to talk informally about atmospheric/climate applications

Apply via http://www.aplacetoblossom.co.uk
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