[ES_JOBS_NET] 4 PhD positions in Meteorology at University of Cologne

Sarah Henkel s.henkel at verw.uni-koeln.de
Tue Dec 22 05:32:03 MST 2015

The Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology at the Faculty of 
Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne (IGMK) 
invites applications for several

*Research Assistant positions (m/f) with the opportunity for graduation**
*starting as soon as possible with a weekly working time of minimum 
25.88 hours (65% position). The initial contracts are limited until 
December 31, 2018 with the possibility of extension for up to 3 years. 
The salary is based on the German E13 TV-L scale if terms and conditions 
under collective bargaining law are fulfilled.

We offer a productive and interdisciplinary working atmosphere including 
comprehensive supervision and integration into the thriving Graduate 
School of Geosciences (http://www.geosciences.uni-koeln.de/). Details on 
the individual projects are given below.

(A) Water vapor variability and trends in the Arctic
(B) Characterization of the cloud conditions at Ny-Ålesund using sensor 
synergy and the representativeness of the observed clouds across Arctic 
(C) Assessing the microphysics of Arctic atmospheric models using 
advanced remote sensing observations
(D) Clouds and Surface Coupling

The positions are related to the Collaborative Research Center TR172 
ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe 
Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)3, which was recently approved by 
the German Research Foundation for an initial four year period and will 
start January 1, 2016. Within the TR172, IGMK together with the 
collaboration partners (Universities of Leipzig and Bremen, TROPOS and 
Alfred Wegener Institute) aim to better observe, understand and model 
processes leading to Arctic amplification.
For detailed project descriptions please visit 

Sarah Henkel
email:meteo-jobs at uni-koeln.de

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