[ES_JOBS_NET] EPA Federal Position: GS-12 Coupling Meteorology and Hydrology Models

Havala Pye havala.pye at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 06:14:17 MDT 2015

*EPA Federal Position – Coupling Meteorology and Hydrology Models*

EPA’s Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division in Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina is seeking qualified candidates to apply for a permanent
Physical Scientist position at the GS-12 level. The individual filling this
position will be responsible for the following:

Developing state-of-the-science algorithms in multi-media modeling systems;

Developing, testing, and applying coupled hydrology/meteorology models
(e.g., VIC/WRF) to improve the characterization of the fate and transport
of environmental contaminants in multi-media modeling systems.

Persons interested in this position should possess hands-on computer model
development experience with meteorology and hydrology models; and,
demonstrate a willingness to develop, apply, and evaluate multimedia
modeling systems to simulate the fate and transport of environmental

This position is open only to U.S. citizens. Applications will be accepted
until August 19, 2015. For further details and instructions on how to
apply, go to https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/412578500.
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