[ES_JOBS_NET] multiple Post-doctoral/ Senior Scientist opportunities at Princeton Univ./GFDL

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Mon Sep 8 10:10:24 MDT 2014


*Coupling Marine Habitat Models of Living Marine Resources to Downscaled 
Global Climate Models in the U.S. Northeast Shelf

**Postdoctoral Scientist in Tropical Pacific Climate Simulation and 

**Research Position in Modeling and Understanding Recent Arctic Sea Ice 

*Postdoctoral Scientist in Decadal Climate Variability*

*Postdoctoral Scientists for a) Modeling of Clouds, Convection, and 
Atmospheric Boundary Layer in a high-resolution climate modeling system, 
and b) Experimental Predictions of High Impact Weather Events using a 
global cloud-permitting model

**Postdoctoral Scientist in Decadal Climate Variability and Change

***Predicting and Explaining Extreme Events Research Positions **

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