[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: Connect with your community - share your science with the public

Rachel Licker rlicker at princeton.edu
Mon Oct 20 13:29:14 MDT 2014

An opportunity for outreach that may be of interest.

Rachel Licker, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Program in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP)
Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs
406 Robertson Hall, Princeton University
Tel. +1.609.258.8269
Skype. rachell1

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oambrogio at agu.org<mailto:oambrogio at agu.org>>
Subject: Connect with your community - share your science with the public
Date: October 10, 2014 11:02:25 AM EDT
To: <rlicker at princeton.edu<mailto:rlicker at princeton.edu>>

 Click here to access the web version of this message<http://www.mmsend61.com/link.cfm?r=1686986877&sid=54474086&m=7154680&u=AGU_&j=22361439&s=https://www.magnetmail.net/actions/email_web_version.cfm?recipient_id=1686986877&message_id=7154680&user_id=AGU_&group_id=0&jobid=22361439>.


Dear member of AGU's expert outreach network (AEON):

Science plays a huge role in our daily lives, communities, and plans for the future. Yet many members of our communities can't name a single contemporary scientist, much less know one personally.

 Make yourself a visible and approachable local resource by connecting with a community group. Be the scientist that members of your community know personally. Learn about the issues that interest or affect the people around you and make a connection through science.

This November, AGU is encouraging Earth and space scientists to create relationships with groups in their communities over science.  We believe that building connections between local scientists and communities is a fundamental way to increase the widespread understanding of Earth and space science and its value.

Will you reach out to a community group during our Talk with the Public week (9-15 November)? **Please note: we understand how busy you are, and we aren't asking you to commit to giving a talk during this week—or at all. What we hope is that during this week you will find and get in touch with a group in your area to let them know you'd be happy to be a science resource. There are many directions you can take from there—helping facilitate a book discussion, participating in a Q&A session, giving a tour of your lab, or giving a talk.

If you're interested, please consider signing up for our webinar<http://www.mmsend61.com/link.cfm?r=1686986877&sid=54474087&m=7154680&u=AGU_&j=22361439&s=http://sharingscience.agu.org/sign-up-for-connecting-with-your-community-webinar-part-of-talk-with-the-public-week/> on Connecting with Your Community on Wednesday, 22 October from 1:30 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. EDT. We'll discuss how to reach out to a community group, things to consider before connecting with a community group, preparing to give a public talk and how to successfully cultivate dialogue with an audience. To sign up, follow this link<http://www.mmsend61.com/link.cfm?r=1686986877&sid=54474088&m=7154680&u=AGU_&j=22361439&s=http://sharingscience.agu.org/sign-up-for-connecting-with-your-community-webinar-part-of-talk-with-the-public-week/>.

If you can't attend the webinar but would still like to be involved, email Olivia Ambrogio (oambrogio at agu.org<mailto:oambrogio at agu.org>) for more information and resources, including groups to consider contacting and a toolkit to help you make that first contact and prepare presentations for public audiences.

Sincerely yours,
Olivia V. Ambrogio
Outreach & Engagement Specialist, AEON coordinator

Click here<http://www.mmsend61.com/link.cfm?r=1686986877&sid=54474089&m=7154680&u=AGU_&j=22361439&s=http://unsubscribe.magnetmail.net/Actions/unsubscribe.cfm?message_id=7154680&user_id=AGU_&recipient_id=1686986877&email=rlicker@princeton.edu&group_id=0> to unsubscribe

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