[ES_JOBS_NET] NEON Hiring - Field Technicians - Multiple Locations

Erika MarĂ­n-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Fri Oct 17 01:13:49 MDT 2014

Date:    Thu, 16 Oct 2014 21:41:07 +0000
From:    Keller Noble <knoble at NEONINC.ORG>
Subject: NEON Hiring - Field Technicians - Multiple Locations

NEON is hiring Field Technicians in Puerto Rico, Alabama, Tennessee, Massac=
husetts and Alaska

For more details and online application visit our careers page at http://ww=


The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a $430 million dollar=
 observatory project dedicated to understanding how changes in climate, lan=
d use and invasive species impact ecology. For the next three decades NEON =
will collect a comprehensive range of ecological data on a continental scal=
e across 20 eco-climatic domains representing US ecosystems. NEON will use =
cutting edge technology including an airborne observation platform that wil=
l capture images of regional landscapes and vegetation; mobile, re-locatabl=
e, and fixed data collection sites with automated ground sensors to monitor=
 soil and atmosphere; and trained field crews who will observe and sample p=
opulations of diverse organisms and collect soil and water data. A leading =
edge cyber-infrastructure will calibrate, store and publish this informatio=
n. The Observatory will grow to 300+ personnel and will be the first of its=
 kind designed to detect and enable forecasting of ecological change at con=
tinental scales.


*         Report activities, completed work, and sampling problems accordin=
g to Field Operations protocols.

*         Inspect, maintain and operate field, safety and laboratory equipm=

*         Operate laboratory equipment (e.g. Wiley Mill, drying oven, analy=
tical balance, centrifugal mill, pH meter, microscope, and muffle furnace).

*         Assist the Field Operations Manager with recruiting and training =
of seasonal field personnel.

*         Provide instruction and technical guidance to seasonal field pers=

*         Perform plot establishment by locating plots with GPS navigation =
as well as measuring and marking plots.

*         Assist the Field Operations Manager with materials planning, inve=
ntory and ordering as well as day-to-day oversight of personnel and schedul=
ing of activities coordinated from the field office.

*         Follow NEON safety and Field Operations policy and procedures.


*         Follow established, standardized field protocols for sample colle=
ction and handling; record and verify accuracy of data from sample collecti=
ons; process samples in the laboratory; send samples to external analytical=
 labs. Train and lead field crews performing the aforementioned items.

*         Perform other field sampling activities as assigned including: gr=
ound beetle collection (pitfall trapping), mosquito collection (CO2 light t=
raps, tick collection (dragging and flagging) and soil core collection.

*         Test, troubleshoot and operate tower, soil and aquatic instrument=
s, calibration equipment and test fixtures.

*         Inspect and maintain civil infrastructure including boom arms, se=
nsor mounts, towers, boardwalks and instrument huts.

*         Monitor and sample aquatic sites for water quality, biological in=
dicators and physical properties of site (e.g. gaging streams, geomorphic m=

NEON offers competitive salaries (DOE) with a substantial benefits package.

For more details and online application visit our careers page at http://ww=
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