Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Fri Oct 17 01:12:08 MDT 2014

From:    "Foster, Bryan Latimer" <bfoster at KU.EDU>

The University of Kansas (KU) Program in Environmental Studies (EVRN), the =
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and the Kansas Biologi=
cal Survey (KBS) invite applications for an Aquatic Ecologist to be hired a=
t the Assistant Professor/Assistant Scientist or Associate Professor/Associ=
ate Scientist level.  The position is part of a KU Water Cluster Hiring ini=
tiative.  We seek an outstanding scientist who explores fundamental ecologi=
cal questions from within any area of aquatic ecology. Research relevant to=
 issues of growing environmental concern, such as effects of biodiversity l=
oss on ecosystem function, invasive species, climate change, altered sedime=
ntation dynamics or effects of altered land-use on ecological patterns and =
processes in aquatic systems, are especially attractive.  Similar to multip=
le interdisciplinary and cross-appointed faculty members across KU's campus=
, the successful candidate will share a joint faculty appointment in KU's E=
VRN Program (.40), the Department of EEB (.10), and the KBS (.50).  The suc=
cessful candidate will be expected to: 1) maintain an extramurally funded r=
esearch program and mentor undergraduate and graduate students; 2) teach co=
urses in the ecological sciences, including general and specialized courses=
 in the candidate's research area that contribute to the interdisciplinary =
goals of the Environmental Studies curriculum; and 3) have a commitment to =
service within EVRN, KBS, the College of liberal Arts and Sciences, the Uni=
versity and the scientific discipline of aquatic ecology.  The University o=
f Kansas is especially interested in hiring faculty members who can contrib=
ute to one or more of the four key campus-wide strategic initiatives: 1) Su=
staining the Planet, Powering the World; 2) Promoting Well-Being, Finding C=
ures; 3) Building Communities, Expanding Opportunities; and 4) Harnessing I=
nformation, Multiplying Knowledge.  For more information, see http://www.pr=

Required Qualifications:
For appointment at either rank:  1) Ph.D. in ecology or a related field is =
expected at the time of appointment (August 18, 2015); 2) demonstrated rese=
arch excellence in aquatic science, ecology, or a related field; 3) demonst=
rated commitment to excellence in teaching ecology courses and mentoring of=
 graduate and undergraduate students in an interdisciplinary environment; 4=
) ability and desire to contribute to the climate of scholarship, collabora=
tion and interdisciplinary departments, and the diversity of thought and ap=
proaches at the University of Kansas. For appointment at the rank of Assist=
ant Professor: 1) potential to establish an independent programmatic line o=
f research that includes publications and external funding;  and 2) potenti=
al to effectively teach courses and mentor students. For appointment at the=
 rank of Associate Professor with tenure: 1) an established independent pro=
grammatic line of research that includes a record of publication in peer-re=
viewed journals and external funding; (2) growth in teaching and mentoring =
that culminates in effective teaching and mentoring; (3) record of regular =
service to the profession at the local, national and international level; 4=
) meets University criteria for tenured Associate Professor.

For a complete description and to apply on-line go to: https://employment.k=
u.edu/academic/1993BR or https://employment.ku.edu/academic-jobs and search=
 openings by keyword [Aquatic]. A complete, on-line application will includ=
e a letter of application, detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of resear=
ch interests and future direction, a statement of teaching and mentoring ph=
ilosophy, PDFs of three selected publications/manuscripts, and the full nam=
es and contact information for three references. For further information, p=
lease contact Sharon Billings (sharon.billings at ku.edu<mailto:sharon.billing=
s at ku.edu>) or Bryan Foster (bfoster at ku.edu<mailto:bfoster at ku.edu>).  Initia=
l review of applications begins December 1, 2014 and will continue as long =
as required to identify a qualified pool.

KU is an EO/AAE. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for em=
ployment without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy)=
, age, national origin, disability, genetic information or protected Vetera=
n status. The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of=
 race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, dis=
ability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental =
status, retaliation, gender identity, gender expression and genetic informa=
tion in the University's programs and activities. The following person has =
been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination polici=
es and is the University's Title IX Coordinator: the Executive Director of =
the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA at ku.edu, 1246 W. Cam=
pus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785) 864-6414, 711 TTY.

Bryan L. Foster
Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Senior Scientist, Kansas Biological Survey
The University of Kansas, Higuchi Hall
2101 Constant Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66047-3759

voice:  785-864-3346
email:  bfoster at ku.edu<mailto:bfoster at ku.edu>
lab: http://kbs.ku.edu/people/staff_www/foster/
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