[ES_JOBS_NET] Web Developer (IT Analyst II) at the Oklahoma Mesonet

Chris Fiebrich chris at mesonet.org
Tue Nov 25 17:39:44 MST 2014

The Oklahoma Mesonet is seeking a talented and enthusiastic web developer to join our team. As a member of the Mesonet software development team, the successful applicant will prototype, develop, and implement web sites and web-based applications to provide decision makers with real-time weather information they need to protect lives and property. Successful applicants must be able to demonstrate innovative solutions for complex problems. 

Mesonet is a recognized leader in developing real-time meteorological data collection and dissemination systems. We design and develop desktop, mobile, and web-based applications for visualizing and interacting with meteorological data sets. We develop software for ingesting, quality assuring, and generating products from a variety of historical and real-time meteorological data sources, including mesoscale and microscale observing systems as well as operational and experimental radar networks. Our software and web sites are used for efforts close to home like the Oklahoma Mesonet as well as around the world. This position is located at the National Weather Center on the University of Oklahoma campus in Norman, Oklahoma.
Applicants must apply for this position online at https://jobs.ou.edu (or use quick link: https://jobs.ou.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/position/JobDetails_css.jsp?postingId=321435). For further information on this or other OU job opportunities, please call (405) 325-1826, or access our web site at http://hr.ou.edu/. The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Job Requirements: This position requires a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Meteorology, or a related field OR an equivalent combination of education/job related experience. Required skills and expertise includes:
	• Experience in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript 
	• Experience with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or mootools 
	• Experience with PHP and MySQL  
	• Strong working knowledge of object oriented programming 
	• Experience with Model/View/Controller (MVC) architecture 
	• Experience with GIS technologies such as OpenLayers 
	• Experience with PHP libraries such as CodeIgniter 
	• Experience with Git, a version control system 
	• Experience with Node.js 
	• Experience designing intuitive user interfaces 
	• Basic knowledge of Meteorology 
	• Demonstrated ability to write easy to understand code
	• Proven ability to be a productive member of a team 
	• Strong attention to detail 
	• Good communication and interpersonal skills
 Dr. Christopher A. Fiebrich
 Associate Director, Oklahoma Climatological Survey
 Manager of the Oklahoma Mesonet
 Email: chris at mesonet.org       http://www.mesonet.org
 USmail: 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 2900,  Norman, OK  73072-7305 
 Phone: (405) 325-6877     Fax: (405) 325-2550 

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