[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD positions in Atmospheric Physics and Climate Change at UCLA

Jasper Kok jfkok at ucla.edu
Fri Nov 14 10:54:48 MST 2014

*PhD positions in Atmospheric Physics and Climate Change at UCLA*

Seeking outstanding candidates for PhD positions focusing on the global 
cycle of mineral dust aerosols and its effects on climate. Methods 
employed will includedata analysis, numerical modeling, use of 
first-principles physics, and simple climate modeling. Desired 
qualifications include strong quantitative skills and a B.S. or M.S. in 
physics, atmospheric sciences, engineering, mathematics, or related 
fields.Contact Prof. Jasper Kok at jfkok at ucla.edu 
<mailto:jfkok at ucla.edu>for more information, or seehttp://jasperfkok.com 
<http://jasperfkok.com/>. More information on the Department of 
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA is available 
<http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/students/graduate/phd-program>; the graduate 
program application deadline for Fall 2015 admission is December 10^th . 
Interest from women and underrepresented minorities is particularly 
encouraged, and U.S. citizenship or residency is not required.
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