[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in Geomicrobiology at Rutgers University-Newark
Erika Marín-Spiotta
marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu May 29 10:16:43 MDT 2014
A PhD position is available at the Department of Earth and Environmental
sciences, Rutgers University – Newark in geomicrobiology with the start as
early as January 2015. We are looking for a motivated student with a keen
interest in microbial ecology, biogeochemistry or biomineralization. An
interest in planetary sciences and astrobiology is also desirable.
Research in the lab is focused on investigations of extreme environments;
currently we are working on evaporitic environments from White Sands
National Monument (New Mexico) and the Campi Flegrei hydrothermal system
(Naples area, Italy). There is also a possibility to join our collaborative
projects. To learn more about research conducted in the lab please visit
Prospective students should contact Dr. M. Glamoclija (
m.glamoclija at rutgers.edu) by email for further information about this
opportunity and include current cv and a statement of research interests.
Mihaela Glamoclija
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Rutgers University - Newark
101 Warren Street
Smith Hall, Room 138
Newark, NJ 07102
phone: 973 353 2509 (office); 973 353 3472 (lab: 312 Olson)
cell: 202 374 6399
fax: 973 353 1965
email: m.glamoclija at rutgers.edu
web: www.geomicrobiologylab-rutgers.com
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