[ES_JOBS_NET] Instructor of Practical Application in Environmental Observation and Data Management - Oceanography Department

Cecily Steppe natunewi at usna.edu
Fri Jun 27 13:00:54 MDT 2014

Good afternoon,

Our department has recently been granted permission to hire a technician to
manage large oceanography and meteorology data sets.  While the job is
posted as an "Instructor of Practical Applications," and starts as
a three-year contract term, there is an opportunity to extend the
position.  You will find the link to the position description below.
Please distribute this announcement broadly, and if you have any specific
questions about the job, feel free to contact me directly.


Best regards,

*Cecily Steppe*

*Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography*

*572C Holloway Rd; Stop 9D*
*U.S. Naval Academy*
*Annapolis, Maryland, 21402*
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