[ES_JOBS_NET] Two Tenure-Track Positions @ Cal Poly: Assistant/Associate Professors of Forest Soils & Forest Disturbance Ecology

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Tue Jun 24 23:50:43 MDT 2014

Subject: Two Tenure-Track Positions @ Cal Poly: Assistant/Associate
Professors of Forest Soils & Forest Disturbance Ecology

Assistant/Associate Professor of Forest & Range Soils:

Full-time, academic year, tenure track Assistant/Associate Professor posi=
tion in the Natural=20
Resources Management and Environmental Sciences (NRES) Department at Cali=
fornia Polytechnic=20
State University, San Luis Obispo, California. Beginning date is 01-05-20=
15 but no later than 09-
14-2015. This position is a full-time teaching appointment with expectati=
ons for professional=20
development through research or project work. Rank and salary is commensu=
rate with=20
qualifications and experience.=20

The successful candidate will teach courses in forest and range soils, so=
il morphology and=20
classification, introductory soil science, and additional related courses=
 (e.g. soil mapping, soil=20
judging, soil and water conservation) depending on curricular needs and t=
he candidate's expertise=20
and personal professional goals. Particular expertise is desired in nutri=
ent cycling, fire effects,=20
erosion and mass movement, soil-geologic relations, and forest and range =
management practices.=20=20
Duties may also include, but are not limited to, supervision of undergrad=
uate senior projects,=20
graduate student research, student advising, and teaching graduate level =

Cal Poly has a tradition of excellence in teaching, and our motto is, "Le=
arn by Doing". In this vein,=20
strong interest in undergraduate and graduate teaching along with excelle=
nt written and oral=20
communication skills are required. In addition to teaching, the successfu=
l candidate is expected to=20
link research and practice, and to participate in scholarly activities (e=
.g., research, publishing, grant=20
writing) as part of his or her professional development and contribution =
to the University's mission.=20
These activities must address societal needs and include opportunities an=
d challenges that face=20
practicing soil scientists and managers working in forest, range, and wil=
dland ecosystems.=20

Doctorate degree in soil science or related field by the starting date re=
quired, with one degree in=20
forestry preferred. Special consideration will be given to candidates wit=
h a record of excellence in=20
teaching and research (commensurate with time since degree), as well as a=
bility to mentor=20
undergraduate and graduate students.

Link to posting: www.calpolyjobs.org/applicants/Central?quickFind=3D16361=

Assistant/Associate Professor of Forest Disturbance Ecology:

Full-time, academic-year, tenure track Assistant/Associate Professor posi=
tion within the Natural=20
Resources Mgmt and Environmental Sciences (NRES) Department at California=
 Polytechnic State=20
University, San Luis Obispo, California. Start date of January 5, 2015 (p=
ossibility of September 14,=20
2015). This position is a full-time teaching appointment with expectation=
s for professional=20
development through research and collaboration. Rank and salary is commen=
surate with=20
qualifications and experience.=20

The ideal candidate will possess broad expertise in areas of forest healt=
h, disturbance ecology,=20
silviculture, and forest management. Primary area of specialization must =
be in forest pathology=20
and entomology, but additional areas of expertise may include: disease-in=
sect-plant relationships=20
in forested ecosystems, disturbance interactions between outbreaks and wi=
ldland fire, and=20
silvicultural treatment to address forest health and restoration. Teachin=
g and research should=20
address current and emerging threats to forest ecosystem health, includin=
g climate change and=20
large-scale disturbance. The successful candidate will primarily teach un=
dergraduate and graduate=20
courses in forest health, dendrology, and fire ecology. Dependent on area=
 of expertise, other=20
teaching opportunities may include: silviculture, wood products, ecology,=
 ecosystem management,=20
and courses to support our Wildland Fire & Fuels Management program.=20=

He/she will advise and involve undergraduate and graduate students in han=
activities and research. The successful candidate is expected to particip=
ate in scholarly activities=20
(i.e., research, publishing, grant writing) in collaboration with related=
 disciplines. Additional=20
expectations include supervision of graduate students, senior project stu=
dents, and team teaching=20
assignments, student advising, teaching graduate level courses and/or in =
a Master of Professional=20
Studies or certificate program. Excellent written and oral communication =
skills and strong interests=20
in undergraduate and graduate teaching are required.=20

Doctorate degree in Forestry, Plant Pathology & Entomology, Ecology (=
with forest disturbance=20
specialization), or related field by the starting date required, with one=
 degree in forestry preferred.=20
Preference will be given to candidates with experience in forest manageme=
nt and with a record of=20
excellence in teaching and research (commensurate with time since degree)=
, as well as ability to=20
mentor undergraduate and graduate students.

Link to posting: www.calpolyjobs.org/applicants/Central?quickFind=3D16392=
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