[ES_JOBS_NET] GLEON Fellowship opportunity for LTER-affiliated graduate students

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Mon Jun 23 15:02:35 MDT 2014

GLEON Fellowship opportunity for LTER-affiliated graduate students
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce GLEON's first graduate student *Fellowship
Program* <http://students.gleon.org>, an NSF-funded training program for
graduate students in the environmental sciences, ecology, geography, and
engineering fields (NSF Award #s 1137327 and 1137353). Applications will be
accepted through August 1, 2014, and successfully funded students will
convene in New Hampshire January, 2015 for the first Cohort Workshop.

*US and international doctoral students at least 1 year from degree
completion are encouraged to apply.* See attached announcement for program
summary, and visit *fellowship.gleon.org <http://students.gleon.org>* for
additional program details and requirements and to apply.

Please feel free to distribute this announcement and attached .pdf to
interested parties.

Kind regards,

The GLEON Fellowship Program Leadership Team:
Kathleen Weathers, Paul Hanson, Hilary Dugan and Grace Hong


*The GLEON (gleon.org <http://gleon.org>) Fellowship Program trains cohorts
of graduate students to exploit the rich information content of large and
diverse data sets, operate effectively in diverse international teams, and
communicate outcomes to a broad range of audiences.*

Over the past several decades environmental issues and concerns have become
increasingly transdisciplinary in scope and global in scale. The scientific
community has responded by acknowledging the need to develop new science
that matches the complexity and scale of these emerging environmental
issues. Yet, developing large spatial scale understanding of environmental
patterns and processes presents a formidable challenge; it requires diverse
expertise, data, and models. It also requires scientists with the
organizational and collaborative human skills and understanding to both
catalyze and lead transformative science. Scientists will increasingly work
within networks to conceptualize issues in new ways and work with complex
data using new and effective cyberinfrastructure. Learning to work in these
kinds of networks is not trivial and involves skills seldom developed in
graduate student training.

Students in the early- to mid-stages of doctoral research in both academic
and professional environmental science, ecology, and engineering career
tracks will begin the program with an international, collaborative student
cohort, and will finish the program as integrated members of a grassroots
scientific network.

The GLEON Fellowship Program is centered on

   - Development of technical, conceptual and analytical skills critical to
   carrying out macroscale biology and network science
   - Development of communication skills for collaboration, education and
   public outreach
   - Active participation in existing networks of people, data, and
   - Training and guidance by experts in how to build and sustain human
   networks through pedagogy, organizational structure, and leadership training

The GLEON Fellowship Program will provide *full funding and logistical
support* to bring a cohort (~ 12 students) together for in depth training
in network science. Over the course of 1.5 years, fellows will

   - Travel to three week-long workshops for in-depth training,
   supplemented by online activities and network-level interactions at GLEON
   all-hands meetings
   - Gain access to existing networks of people, data, technologies,
   students, and technical experts
   - Complete an interdisciplinary, collaborative scientific project

 The Fellowship Cohort will meet for their first workshop in January, 2015.
Contact Hilary Dugan (hilarydugan at gmail.com <reade at caryinstitute.org>) with
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