[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of coupled biological/chemical/physical ocean modelling

Susan Allen sallen at eos.ubc.ca
Fri Jul 18 12:23:11 MDT 2014

The Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences at the University 
of British Columbia invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in 
the field of coupled biological/chemical/physical ocean modelling.  The 
successful applicant will conduct research as part of a group developing 
a coupled numerical model, based on the NEMO model, of the Strait of 
Georgia with data assimilation from the Ocean Networks Canada 
observatory to be run operationally.

The position is for one-year, renewable for a second year and preferred 
start dates are Nov 2014-Feb 2015.  The application deadline is Sep 16, 
2014 but will be extended if a suitable candidate has not been found.

Full details here: http://eos.ubc.ca/~sallen/postdoc2_ad.pdf

Susan Allen

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