[ES_JOBS_NET] A Post-doctoral and a PhD positions in clumped isotopes at ETH Zürich

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Fri Jul 18 12:36:04 MDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bernasconi Stefano <stefano.bernasconi at erdw.ethz.ch>
Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 8:45 AM

Apologies for cross posting.

We are looking for a Post doc and PhD. Student for an ETH-Funded Project
aiming at reconstructing the pole-to-equator temperature gradient in the
Eocene based on clumped isotope analysis of palaeosol carbonates. Clumped
isotope analyses will be  complemented with organic geochemical and
compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis of the associated organic
matter. The project is a collaboration with Dr. Tim White at Penn State
University and will focus on the analysis on a large set of well-dated
palaeosols in a transect from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. The post-doctoral
fellow is initially funded for a year and will focus principally on the
north-American sites, the PhD student is funded for 3 years and will
concentrate principally on the south American sites. Both projects will
require field work.

We are looking for motivated individuals, with a good grasp of laboratory
techniques, previous experience with clumped isotope analysis would be a
plus but is not a prerequisite.  Ideally both  positions would start in
autumn 2014, latest possible start is February 2015
For further information contact Stefano Bernasconi directly.

Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, contact details of 2 referees by
e-mail to stefano.bernasconi at erdw.ethz.ch

ETH Zurich
Prof. Stefano Bernasconi
Geologisches Institut
NO G51.3
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich
Tel. +41-44-632 3693
fax:  +41-44-632 1075
stefano.bernasconi at erdw.ethz.ch<mailto:stefano.bernasconi at erdw.ethz.ch>

The fourth International workshop on Clumped isotopes will take place at
ETH  Zürich, August 24-27:
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