[ES_JOBS_NET] FW: Lab technician/research associate position in geomicrobiology/environmental geochemistry lab

Baker, Leslie (lbaker@uidaho.edu) lbaker at uidaho.edu
Wed Jul 2 11:14:52 MDT 2014

I am looking to fill an open lab technician/research associate position in my geomicrobiology/environmental geochemistry lab. The position entails about half time of lab technician responsibilities (equipment maintenance, student training, supply purchasing, etc.) and half time independent research on projects of mutual interest to me and the candidate. I am looking for someone with excellent lab skills, preferably with experience in basic microbiology and geochemistry experimental approaches, with experience with a range of analytical techniques (especially ICP-OES). The position is suitable for someone with a Ph.D. in geochemistry, geomicrobiology, or chemistry, although candidates with a M.Sc. in these areas are also encouraged to apply.
Please send a c.v. and a brief (1-2 page) statement summarizing research experience and interests to me via email. Please forward this to any potentially interested candidate. The position is a fulltime one with benefits, funded through an endowment at the University of Notre Dame, and can be renewed indefinitely given satisfactory performance.


Jeremy Fein
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences:
Director, Center for Environmental Science and Technology:
University of Notre Dame

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