[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant Scientist Position in Environmental Sciences Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Ernie Lewis elewis at bnl.gov
Mon Jan 27 19:13:13 MST 2014

Please post the following position:

The Environmental Sciences Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory 
is seeking an Assistant Scientist to work with instrumentation and 
conduct original research on atmospheric particles and precursor gases. 
Primary responsibilities will include support of ongoing field 
operations, instrument development, and scientific interpretation of 
data. The successful candidate will be familiar with the principles and 
practice of particle measurement technology together with a broad 
understanding of atmospheric aerosol physical and chemical processes. 
Broad laboratory and field experience in one or more areas of aerosol 
instrumentation (size distribution, optical properties, and chemical 
characterization) is essential. Experience in measuring 
aerosol-precursor trace gases is a plus. The position requires excellent 
communication skills, experience in data processing coupled with formal 
QA/QC, and the ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary team. An 
Assistant Scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory is a member of the 
scientific staff, works under minimum supervision, is responsible for 
independent scientific inquiry in programs that may be broadly 
formulated by supervisory staff, and requires a doctorate. Publication 
of research in scientific journals is expected.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is an Affirmative Action/Equal 
Opportunity Employer committed to building and maintaining a diverse 

You can view and apply for this job at:


Thank you.

Ernie R. Lewis (elewis at bnl.gov)
Environmental Sciences Department
Building 815E
75 Rutherford Drive
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
631-344-2887 (fax)

MAGIC information can be found at http://www.bnl.gov/envsci/ARM/MAGIC/

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