[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: [arcmfc] Advertisement for a fully funded PhD (or post-doc) on sea ice data assimilation

Annette Samuelsen annette.samuelsen at nersc.no
Thu Nov 28 03:43:40 MST 2013

Dear all, 

please find below an announcement for an open PhD position at NERSC (convertible to post-doc)

Best regards, 

In the frame of the new Nordic Center of Excellence on Ensemble Based Monitoring and Forecasting of the Environment, the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) is opening one position in the modeling and data assimilation department of the Mohn-Sverdrup Center. The position is fully funded for a period of three years and in principle intended for a PhD candidate, but can be converted to a Post-Doc if there is no qualified PhD candidate available.

The goal of the position is to carry out methodological developments in data assimilation, targeting new types of satellite sea ice observations like the thin-ice thickness from the ESA SMOS satellite. Particular attention will be given to updating schemes that can account for observations that have a detection limit and to the applications of the Gaussian anamorphosis to sea ice variables. By the end of the PhD / post-doc, the new developments will be tested with assimilation of real data in the TOPAZ forecasting system (http://topaz.nersc.no). 

The deadline for application is 22nd December 2013. Please send your application with CV, and the contacts of three references by e-mail - indicating to which position (PhD or Post Doc) you are applying - to the following address: admin at nersc.no with CC to Laurent Bertino (Laurent.Bertino at nersc.no) and Geir Evensen (GEVE at statoil.com). Include in the subject line “Application for a PhD/postdoc position in modeling and data assimilation”. Candidates for a PhD position should include university grades. Candidates for a post-doc should include their publication list. 


Dr. Annette Samuelsen
Mohn-Sverdrup Center
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Thormoelensgate 47  N-5006 Bergen
email: annette.samuelsen at nersc.no
skype-name: lilleannette
Phone: +47 45 25 49 27   Fax:  +47 55 20 58 01

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