[ES_JOBS_NET] Tenure-track position - Environmental Sciences - Energy - Western Washington University
Erika Marín-Spiotta
marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Tue Nov 19 11:42:27 MST 2013
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andy_Bunn?= <andy.bunn at WWU.EDU>
Subject: Tenure-track position - Environmental Sciences - Energy - Western
Washington University
Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences - Energy
About the Position:=20
The Department of Environmental Sciences within the Huxley College of the=
Environment at Western=20
Washington University invites applications for a tenure-track position fo=
cusing on the environmental=20
management of energy generation and use. The position is at the rank of A=
ssistant Professor and=20
begins on September 16, 2014. We seek an individual with teaching and re=
search interests in=20
environmental science and a strong commitment to undergraduate education.=
The person chosen will=20
receive an academic appointment in the Environmental Sciences Department =
and will have an ongoing=20
and formal affiliation with WWU=92s Institute for Energy Studies (energy.=
wwu.edu). The position entails=20
teaching, advisement, research, community engagement and service that sup=
port the Department, the=20
Institute, and the University. This opening is part of a broad Institute =
venture that includes several=20
new faculty lines in the science, engineering, environmental policy, and =
economics of energy.
About Western, Huxley and the Department of Environmental Sciences:
Western Washington University is ranked as the top public comprehensive u=
niversity in the Pacific=20
Northwest. With about 15,000 students, WWU is located in beautiful Belli=
ngham, close to both the=20
Cascade Mountains and the Salish Sea; it is about midway between Seattle,=
Washington and=20
Vancouver, British Columbia. Its mission is to serve the State of Washing=
ton and beyond by bringing=20
together individuals of diverse backgrounds and perspectives in an inclus=
ive, student-centered=20
university that develops the potential of learners and the well-being of =
Western=92s Huxley College of the Environment is the oldest interdiscipli=
nary environmental studies=20
college in the U.S. It is known nationally and internationally for its ex=
cellence in educating the next=20
generation of environmental leaders. Huxley=92s academic programs reflect=
a broad view of the=20
physical, biological, social and cultural world. The mission of the Depar=
tment of Environmental=20
Sciences is to be a regional partner and national leader in environmental=
science and management,=20
research and education; providing information and training to both studen=
ts and professionals in the=20
environmental sciences. The department strives to further Western=92s ide=
ntity as an institution that=20
welcomes and embraces diversity, and encourages applications from diverse=
Position Responsibilities:
The successful candidate will maintain an externally funded research prog=
ram involving=20
undergraduate and masters students and collaborate effectively with resea=
rchers within and beyond=20
the department. Successful candidates must have a strong commitment to te=
aching at the=20
undergraduate and graduate levels. Teaching responsibilities will include=
core environmental science=20
and energy courses as well as advanced courses in his or her area of spec=
Required Qualifications:
=B7 PhD in environmental sciences, energy, engineering, or a relate=
d field
=B7 Expertise in the environmental or natural resources impacts ass=
ociated with human use of=20
=B7 Research or employment experience in the field of energy
=B7 Demonstrated strong research ability
=B7 Demonstrated experience or potential to teach courses in energy=
and environmental sciences
=B7 Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Preferred Qualifications:
=B7 Post-doctoral research in academia, government or industry
=B7 Ability to work effectively with diverse students and colleague=
=B7 Ability to develop an externally-funded research program involv=
ing undergraduate and masters-
level students
=B7 Interdisciplinary teaching experience
Academic Emphasis:
The successful candidate will have expertise in the environmental or natu=
ral resources impacts=20
associated with human use of energy with a foundation in environmental sc=
iences, energy,=20
engineering, or a closely related field. Possible areas of specialization=
include the intersection of=20
energy with greenhouse gas mitigation, atmospheric sciences, contaminant =
remediation, life-cycle=20
analysis, and risk assessment.
Job Location:
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Commensurate with experience and qualifications
Bargaining Union:
United Faculty of Western Washington
Application Instructions and Requested Documents:
All application materials must be submitted electronically via Western=92=
s Electronic Application System=20
for Employment at http://www.wwu.edu/jobs. Applications should include a =
cover letter describing=20
teaching and research qualifications and experience, a curriculum vitae, =
and contact information for=20
three references in the Cover Letters and Attachments section of the appl=
ication system.
Other Information:
Applicants can contact or direct questions to the Search Committee Chair,=
Andy Bunn, at andy.bunn=20
Job Posted: 10/17/2013
Closing Date Notes:
Review of applications begins December 1, 2013 and continues until positi=
on is filled.
Recruitment #: 130752
Western Washington University (WWU) is an equal opportunity and affirmati=
ve action employer=20
committed to assembling a diverse, broadly trained faculty and staff. Wom=
en, minorities, people with=20
disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. In compliance=
with applicable laws and in=20
furtherance of its commitment to fostering an environment that welcomes a=
nd embraces diversity,=20
WWU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, n=
ational origin, sex (including=20
pregnancy and parenting status), disability, age, veteran status, sexual =
orientation, gender identity or=20
expression, marital status or genetic information in its programs or acti=
vities, including employment,=20
admissions, and educational programs. Inquiries may be directed to the Vi=
ce Provost for Equal=20
Opportunity & Employment Diversity, Title IX and ADA Coordinator, Equ=
al Opportunity Office, Western=20
Washington University, Old Main 345 (MS 9021), 516 High Street, Bellingha=
m, WA 98225;=20
360.650.3307 (voice) or 711 (Washington Relay); eoo at wwu.edu.
WWU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified indi=
viduals with disabilities=20
upon request. To request this document in an alternate format or to reque=
st an accommodation,=20
please contact Human Resources Disability Services, 360.650.3774 or 711 (=
Washington Relay).
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