[ES_JOBS_NET] postdoc in Miami

Brian Mapes bmapes at rsmas.miami.edu
Tue Nov 12 10:42:13 MST 2013

Apologies for cross-postings.
Brian Mapes

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position at the Rosenstiel School
of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS), University of Miami.
The position is for 1 year initially, with possible renewal up to 2.5 years
based on performance. Review of applications will begin Dec. 9.

The project's goal is to tro to infer the sensitivities of atmospheric convection
to ambient humidity, using field observations from the DYNAMO campaign
(held in 2011-12 in the equatorial Indian ocean). Key observations will be
humidity data, including time-height profiles we will need to retrieve or deduce
from multichannel passive microwave remote sensing, as well as data on
convective cloud systems, such as Doppler radar-derived wind divergence
profiles we will need to derive and validate. Key tools will include multivariate
(matrix) linear algebra, for statistical retrievals (inversions) and relationship
estimation, but well grounded in meteorological physical sensibility.

The successful applicant will have a PhD in atmospheric or related science,
preferably with prior experience in data analysis of relevant observations, and
good skills in scientific deduction and communication of scientific findings.

Applicants should include a 1-page statement of research interests and
relevant experience, and a CV including contacts for three references,
to http://um.hodesiq.com/job_detail.asp?JobID=4044528<http://um.hodesiq.com/job_detail.asp?JobID=4044528&user_id=&ViewAll=> by Dec. 9 for
certainty of consideration.
Questions may be directed to Dr. Brian Mapes, mapes at miami.edu<mailto:mapes at miami.edu>.

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