[ES_JOBS_NET] Director of the newly formed Center for Innovation and Research, Michigan State University and Sparrow Health System

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Mon Mar 18 05:55:49 MDT 2013

Michigan State University and Sparrow Health System jointly announce the 
recruitment for the *Director* of the newly formed *Center for 
Innovation and* *Research*.The Director of the Center will have a track 
record of federally funded research, and demonstrated ability to build 
partnerships and collaborations.S/he will also be responsible for 
providing leadership for the Center's research program development and 
implementation activities.The Director will have a PhD or other terminal 
degree in health care, business, engineering, science, etc., and meet 
the requirements for appointment to a tenured faculty position at 
Michigan State University.

Michigan State University has a long history of successful partnerships 
with the business and health care community and a hard-earned reputation 
for creatively applying knowledge to real-world problems. 

The full description of this position can be found by clicking this link:


Applications and nominations will be accepted for each position until it 
is filled, but an early response from you would be 
appreciated.Applications, inquiries and nominations should be sent, *via 
email*, in strict confidence to:

/The Hollander Group/

_Info at thehollandergroup.net_ 
<mailto:Info at thehollandergroup.net?Subject=Requesting%20Information>

Phone: 202-486-9097

Fax: 877-334-0626

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