[ES_JOBS_NET] UCS hiring two expert staff

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Fri Mar 8 21:03:26 MST 2013

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From: "UCS Science Network" <sciencenetwork at ucsusa.org>
Date: Mar 8, 2013 3:04 PM
Subject: We're hiring!
To: <aurios at alumni.stanford.org>

   [image: UCS Science Network]

*Work for UCS*

The UCS Clean Vehicles Program and Tropical Forest and Climate Initiative
are seeking new expert staff members. Do you know any qualified applicants?

*View the Job Descriptions
* <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=cAMcis67vH-e6NIt3ECJWg>
  Related Links
UCS Tropical Forest and Climate
UCS Clean Vehicles
A Colleague
Please encourage your colleagues to sign
up<http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=Bliqno_tr_QffSeW6Oc9YA>and help
increase our effectiveness in creating a healthy environment and a
safer world. CLICK

We're Hiring!
Seeking New Expert Staff

The Union of Concerned Scientists is currently seeking applicants for two
expert positions: an engineer/analyst in the Clean Vehicles Program and an
analyst in the Tropical Forest and Climate Initiative. If you are
interested or know a friend, colleague, or recent student who might be
interested, please take a moment to read and share the job descriptions

*Clean Vehicles
* Our Clean Vehicles Program is seeking an individual to work with a
top-notch, multi-disciplinary team to advance sound transportation and
energy policies to cut oil use and protect public health. Candidates must
have a background in vehicle and fuel technology and transportation or oil
policy. Candidates must also have excellent research, modeling, and written
and oral communication skills. Deadline for applications for this position
is March 27, 2013.

*Analyst, Tropical Forest and Climate
* The Tropical Forest and Climate Initiative, part of our Climate & Energy
Program, is seeking an individual to join a collaborative team working to
stop tropical deforestation. The analyst will develop analytical products
and help implement campaign activities to advance strong business and
government policies to reduce tropical deforestation associated with palm
oil expansion, as well as other drivers of forest loss. The ideal candidate
will have a high level of technical competency in relevant scientific
areas, knowledge of climate and environmental policy, and strong oral and
written communication skills, including the ability to translate scientific
information into language understandable by business people and other
non-scientists. Deadline for applications for this position is March 29,

We hope you will take a minute to apply or share these opportunities with
your networks. Complete position descriptions are available on the UCS
website <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=o_84pnX-oKjU0EhnjuHFiA>.

Thank you for helping us grow our team of scientists and engineers working
for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future!

    The Union of Concerned Scientists puts rigorous, independent science to
work to solve our planet's most pressing problems. Joining with citizens
across the country, we combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to
create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable

UCS is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax deductible. You can be
confident your donations to UCS are spent wisely.
 <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=VkiHJ2x6e5Bra_jDpEm7cw>      Union of
Concerned Scientists
2 Brattle Square
Cambridge, MA 02138-3780
Phone: 800-666-8276<http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=2XdPesnARxJ5PtVLF8v2WQ>
Fax: 617-864-9405 <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=YmYoHI8vrPTiMR-rRLdCJA>
*ucsaction at ucsusa.org* <ucsaction at ucsusa.org>
*www.ucsusa.org* <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=Bys1A99UyLYwErEM1zF_pA>
*About UCS* <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=hnmb2gxlOkGLeq9gTgT-HA> | *Take
Action* <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=YIu5reMJURB13X-fIuTJJg> | *Donate
* <http://action.ucsusa.org/site/R?i=QwYk7UQzSpLmCQzJjygn3g> |
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