[ES_JOBS_NET] AGU Summer Internship

Andrea Daniels adaniels at agu.org
Wed Feb 27 13:55:06 MST 2013

Please pass this internship information about American Geophysical Union.

[AGU Website]<http://www.agu.org/>

Andrea Daniels
Recruiting Specialist
American Geophysical Union
adaniels at agu.org

 AGU galvanizes a community of Earth and space scientists that collaboratively advances and communicates science and its power to ensure a sustainable future.
2013 Meeting of the Americas:
14-17 May * Cancun, QR, Mexico
Abstract Submission Deadline: 6 February 2013
Visit us at http://moa.agu.org/2013/
Get the latest information on Twitter<http://www.twitter.com/#AGUMOA> and Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/AmericanGeophysicalUnion>

Support the American Geophysical Union<http://www.agu.org/get_involved/giving/>
Visit the AGU Blogosphere<http://blogs.agu.org/>

Get the latest information on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/AmericanGeophysicalUnion> and tweet us at #AGUMOA!

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