[ES_JOBS_NET] Graduate Assistantship in Coastal Ecology/Hydrology, U of Hawaii

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Mon Dec 16 13:54:56 MST 2013

Subject: Graduate Assistantship in Coastal Ecology/Hydrology, U of Hawaii

We are recruiting a graduate student to work on a Hawai=91i Sea Grant-fun=
ded project investigating feedbacks between=20
groundwater-derived nutrients, benthic algal uptake, and the accretion-er=
osion balance on Hawaiian coral reefs.  The=20
graduate student will work with Drs. Henrieta Dulaiova (Marine & Envi=
ronmental Geology), Megan Donahue (Hawai=91i=20
Institute of Marine Biology), and Flo Thomas (Hawai=91i Instititute of Ma=
rine Biology).  Applicants must hold a=20
bachelor=92s degree in biology, ecology, oceanography, hydrology, or rela=
ted field.  Applicants with excellent=20
quantitative skills and with prior research experience or a master=92s de=
gree in coral reef ecology, ocean carbonate=20
chemistry, ground water hydrology, geochemistry and/or coastal oceanograp=
hy are preferred.  There is currently two=20
years of funding available for this project, and we are open to applicant=
s at either the MS or PhD level.  The=20
graduate student may matriculate into the graduate program in Marine Biol=
ogy (applications due Dec 31, 2013) or in=20
Department of Geology and Geophysics (applications due Jan 15, 2014); bot=
h programs are in the School of=20
Oceanography and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawai=91=
i.  Interested applicants should contact=20
Dr. Megan Donahue (megan.donahue at hawaii.edu, www.donahuelab.com) and Dr. =
Henrieta Dulaiova (hdulaiov at hawaii.edu,=20
www.soest.hawaii.edu/GG/FACULTY/hdulaiov/).  With your inquiry, please in=
clude a CV or resume and a description of=20
your research interests and past research experience.

Graduate Program in Marine Biology: www.hawaii.edu/marine_biology/graduat=
e/ <http://www.hawaii.edu/marine_biology/graduat=e/>
Graduate Program in Geology and Geophysics: www.soest.hawaii.edu/GG/resea=
rch/gg_meg.html <http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/GG/resea=rch/gg_meg.html>
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