[ES_JOBS_NET] M.S. student position: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Water Sampling

Amy Burgin aburgin2 at unl.edu
Mon Dec 16 10:06:05 MST 2013

*M.S. student position: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Water Sampling*

The Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology lab at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
has a position for an M.S. student to aid in the development of an unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) to collect water samples.  This is a collaborative
effort between Amy Burgin (School of Natural Resources), Carrick Detweiler
and Sebastian Elbaum (UNL - Computer Science and Engineering), Sally
Thompson (UC Berkeley) and Michael Hamilton (UC Berkely – Blue Oak Ranch
Reserve) and is funded by the USDA under the National Robotics Initiative.
Drs. Detweiler and Elbaum lead the effort and are responsible for the
development and programing of a prototype, a video of which can be viewed
on their website (http://goo.gl/PEsQ2e).

We seek a student who can work at the interface of ecology and computer
science to assist in further development and application of the UAV.
Interested students should apply through the School of Natural Resources to
work in Dr. Burgin’s lab (http://burginlab.weebly.com/).  Applications to
UNL-SNR are due 3 January 2014.  Two years of funding is available for a
M.S. student.  Prior to applying to UNL-SNR, interested students should
contact Dr. Burgin (aburgin2 at unl.edu; with ROBOT in the subject line) to
provide: 1) a cover letter discussing interest in the project, applicable
background experience, and goals for undertaking a graduate program, 2) CV,
3) unofficial transcripts and/or GREs.  Details on the full application
process can be found at: http://goo.gl/3amtXZ.

Amy Burgin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska

412 Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68583-0974

office: (402) 472 - 3491
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