[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc at MIT: Air Quality and Sustainability

Noelle Eckley Selin selin at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 16 10:37:58 MDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

I'm looking for a postdoc to work on a new project linking air quality to sustainability planning. The postdoc will work with me at MIT as part of the Center for Complex Engineering Systems, a large collaborative project between MIT and KACST in Saudi Arabia. I'm looking for a recent PhD who has experience running regional or global air quality models, and an interest in applying this experience in interdisciplinary collaborations and policy analysis along with water, energy, health and infrastructure experts. Official announcement and application link attached. Thanks!

Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Engineering Systems Division, to join a multidisciplinary research team focused on sustainability and air quality impacts.  Under the direction of Professor Noelle Selin, the successful candidate will contribute to a multidisciplinary study on sustainability, examining air quality and environmental impacts of water and energy infrastructure development. Duties include contributing to a project focusing on the Middle East region by conducting air quality modeling, analyzing data from monitoring and remote sensing, and collaborating with others using integrated modeling (energy, water, health impacts).

Requirements: A PhD in a related field;  significant experience running global or regional chemical transport models; strong oral and written communication skills as demonstrated by a track record of journal publications or related efforts. Interest and experience in working in an interdisciplinary team is highly desirable.  Seek creative, highly self-motivated, and organized individual who is capable of working productively both independently and with others.

This is a one-year appointment, renewable based upon satisfactory performance and funding. Please apply online: http://bit.ly/16sRUoW 

Noelle Eckley Selin
Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor of Engineering Systems and Atmospheric Chemistry
Engineering Systems Division and Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (E40-379)
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
selin at mit.edu

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