[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Position, SW-GW Interaction in Glaciated Peruvian Andes, Syracuse University

Laura K Lautz lklautz at syr.edu
Fri Aug 9 12:27:22 MDT 2013

PhD Position, SW-GW Interaction in Glaciated Peruvian Andes, Syracuse

Student needed to integrate a combination of field methods to quantify
SW-GW interactions in remote, data-poor glacierized catchments in the
Andes and describe the hydrologic influence of groundwater and melting
glaciers.  Ideal candidates will have a strong physical science
background, be comfortable with remote, international travel, and have
experience working in challenging field conditions. Start date of Spring
2014. Contact Laura Lautz (lklautz at syr.edu, http://hydrology.syr.edu).

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